Junk food junkie

Okay so I've lost weight before, but it was summer time, and I was eating grilled chicken, fresh fruits, and fresh veggies all the time because they were cheap and available. Now it's winter, and those things are not as easy to find and are much more expensive when you can find them. As a result, I haven't been eating great. Processed foods, very little real food. I stay within my calorie allotment every day, but it's 1400 calories of pretzels, ice cream, and trail mix, no real substance. If I stay within my goal calorie intake, will I still lose weight, even if what I'm eating isn't great for me?


  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    I think if it fits in your calorie/macros intake goal, you will lose the weight. But it's not really healthy for you.
    You should try buying
    - Frozen Vegetables (You can steam the veggies with a little water and add salt.)
    - Frozen Fruits (You can make great smoothies and replace the ice cream!)
    - Greek yogurt or plain yogurt (low fat)
    - Baked apple with cinnamon
    - Whole wheat crackers (instead of pretzels)
    - Nuts, dark chocolate