Deadlift Grip Strength



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    towel pull ups are good
  • taryn_09
    taryn_09 Posts: 196 Member
    id try wrist wraps like mentioned or chalk.
    i was using gloves and had the same issue.
    currently just using my hands it works better but the tears come quick.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    id try wrist wraps like mentioned or chalk.
    i was using gloves and had the same issue.
    currently just using my hands it works better but the tears come quick.

    Wrist wraps and wrist straps are two different things with different purposes.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Front desk girl at my new gym and I were discussing hook grip yesterday... huge big eff no. I like my thumbs the way they are- I can deal with certain pain- but specific pain like that I'm not volunteering. Dying- sprints- crazy boot camp workouts- heavy lifting- fine- beat me break me whatever- crush my thumbs with my own hands- HELLZNO!!!
    Yep, me neither. Ain't even sorry.

    Only in the beginning.

    I've used it so long, I now grip nearly everything hook, just as a habit, and its so natural, I don't even notice, definitely no pain.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Front desk girl at my new gym and I were discussing hook grip yesterday... huge big eff no. I like my thumbs the way they are- I can deal with certain pain- but specific pain like that I'm not volunteering. Dying- sprints- crazy boot camp workouts- heavy lifting- fine- beat me break me whatever- crush my thumbs with my own hands- HELLZNO!!!
    Yep, me neither. Ain't even sorry.

    Only in the beginning.

    I've used it so long, I now grip nearly everything hook, just as a habit, and its so natural, I don't even notice, definitely no pain.

    well you're a better man than I... there is just no way. I don't think I could ever get past that initial pain issues. I break easily- I used to fight in school and I almost always invariable wound up with an injury- my bones and skin are way more sensitive than they should be- not sure why- have been for a long time- I suspect hook grip would be a serious issue for me.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Front desk girl at my new gym and I were discussing hook grip yesterday... huge big eff no. I like my thumbs the way they are- I can deal with certain pain- but specific pain like that I'm not volunteering. Dying- sprints- crazy boot camp workouts- heavy lifting- fine- beat me break me whatever- crush my thumbs with my own hands- HELLZNO!!!
    Yep, me neither. Ain't even sorry.

    Only in the beginning.

    I've used it so long, I now grip nearly everything hook, just as a habit, and its so natural, I don't even notice, definitely no pain.

    well you're a better man than I... there is just no way. I don't think I could ever get past that initial pain issues. I break easily- I used to fight in school and I almost always invariable wound up with an injury- my bones and skin are way more sensitive than they should be- not sure why- have been for a long time- I suspect hook grip would be a serious issue for me.
    Yep. Don't care. Ain't even sorry. I've got enough suffering to deal with already to get all the other stuff done that I do. My legs are littered with bruises from the past week. I literally have one bruise for every rep I did last night.

    I was wrong; my husband says he never hook-grips for regular deads, just like snatch-grip ones, some oly lift stuff and Highland Games stuff. He said the weight he deadlifts would crush your thumbs if you tried to hook-grip it.

    The more I think about it, the less hook grip even makes logical sense for me. Just the thickness that wearing gloves adds is too much; sticking my thumb in the way would be almost like trying to keep a grip on two bars. I have short fingers; I don't need to add to the problem!
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    I was wrong; my husband says he never hook-grips for regular deads, just like snatch-grip ones, some oly lift stuff and Highland Games stuff. He said the weight he deadlifts would crush your thumbs if you tried to hook-grip it.

    I'm not a particularly big deadlifter, never really go much over 200kg, as I can't clean or snatch that much, so not a problem for me. That said, I've trained with guys that have lifted well over 800lbs with a hook grip, and I don't think their thumbs were close to getting crushed. I'm sure there is a point where it happens, but it would be world record territory lifts at least, or very weak thumbs.