Would this work??

I started slimfast yesterday but I don't feel good on it at all :/ I've just had one of the shakes and I feel really sick.. :( I've had the idea that as the milkshakes are 230 calories and the meal bars are 210 calories it would work the same if I just had a breakfast and lunch fitting those calorie amounts. Am I right? I could still have the two or three fruits a day snacks if I needed them and the 600 calorie meal but instead of putting all that sugary crap into my body would it be better to follow the slimfast calorie plan without the slimfast products? I think I would have a better chance of getting the right nutrients and everything I need this way as well. I'd still do some exercise like walking my dog or playing on just dance as well as I know it's important but I miss food already and just want to eat but not gain weight so could calorie controlled meals be the best idea??


  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    There's nothing about Slimfast or any other diet shake that'll actually contribute to weight loss. They work because your replacing a meal with a lower calorie alternative, putting you in a deficit.

    Just eat in a calorie deficit and you'll get the results you want...without making yourself feel ill.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Any time you're trying to lose weight, you need to eat at a caloric deficit. The worst possible thing you could do while eating on a caloric deficit is to drink liquid calories, that's why slimfast and similar progams are such a bad idea. Liquid calories do not fill you up like whole food does. I suggest you ditch the slim fast program if it's not too late, and eat a healthy diet consisting of whole foods and don't drink any of your calories.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Eat about 4 -5 oz of lean protein (chicken, turkey, fish, a cup of veggies, piece of fruit at each meal and eat 2 snacks that fit into your calorie and macro allowance if you have no idea where to start.

    Real food is more satisfying. I tried Slim fast 2O years ago - it was disgusting and made my hair fall out.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Please stay away from the shakes... The only weight you'll lose guaranteed is in your wallet.

    Just make good choices and pre-log your food so you know what you're eating. My breakfast (overnight oats) tasted like warm applepie and it's only 190 calories!! Keep your money in your pocket and buy healthy food.

    Besides, you wont be able to eat shakes your entire life, will you? Change your eating patterns and you'll lose the weight.

    Good luck!!
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    The slimfasts themselves are junk food. Don't EVER rely on them. They're not going to help you, and any weight you lose will likely be temporary because you're not committing to learning about a healthy lifestyle.

    You don't need to follow slimfast's plan. You need to find out how many calories a day are appropraite for your height, weight, and exercise level (try scoobysworkshop, or any other calorie decider. (DO NOT GO WITH THE 1200 MODEL UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE AT THAT NUMBER.)

    Next, try getting the calories you're lacking with healthy foods. The following are super high calorie, yet extremely healthy:

    -peanut butter
    -red meat

    "Just want to eat but not gain weight" Don't we all? :laugh: Eat within your caloric needs, and you won't. However, I strongly caution against eating those calories in junk food.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Just eat in a calorie deficit and you'll get the results you want...without making yourself feel ill.

  • meankeen
    meankeen Posts: 49 Member
    You want to lose weight?

    Calories in > calories out.

    > meaning you need to eat less calories than your body is spending. You can do this by tracking carefully what you eat, and by making this simpler you only eat basic stuff.

    chicken (cooked)
    rice (a lil bit)
    cottage cheese

    etc. track them and burn yourself for a month or 2 or 3 depending on how much weight you want to lose, and then get back on maintaining calories. Also I recommend doing a cardio session of 30 minutes, which should burn 500 calories for an even more calorie deficiency from MO till VR, accompanied by an hour long weightlifting.

    also, a lot of people lose quite some pounds by ONLY drinking water, so instead of grabbing that coke, or so called healthy tea or coffee, grab some water! aim for 2-3 liters a day, and always have a bottle of water with you. I have been drinking water only for 4-5 years now, and I love it.

    Of course, you can have cheat days where you can drink something else for a change, but don't make it a habit and make the cheat days on the weekends, but also then be careful you're not chucking in too much.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    only 2 things I have found that work are hard work and counting calories hun. watch forks over knives or hungry for a change
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    There's nothing about Slimfast or any other diet shake that'll actually contribute to weight loss. They work because your replacing a meal with a lower calorie alternative, putting you in a deficit.

    Just eat in a calorie deficit and you'll get the results you want...without making yourself feel ill.
