FT4 or FT7

Polar FT4 or PolarFT7? Not sure of the differences but my sportline s7 broke tonight Need advice on buying a new HRM and really want a polar


  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    I have an FT4. I've been happy with it. I don't need to sync it to my computer, or phone, etc- I don't mind entering in the #s manually. I've taken it in the pool, thru mud runs, and train with it for every cardio workout. Sometimes, when I have just rinsed the strap, and not fully washed it, I get funky readings- usually low ones. I rinse with every workout, and throw the strap in every 4-5 sessions.

    I recently got my hubby an ft7- he wanted more days of data stored in the watch (I record mine that same day, so I don't care). He didn't bother with the PC link thing, either ($$).

    One big difference, though, and this maybe just because my FT4 is over a year old- the strap that comes with the FT7 has a smoother, plastic-y sensor bar, and a slightly different snap-on thing. The strap with my FT4 is more fabric-y. I'd guess that the FT7 strap is less likely to be messed up by accumulated sweat, because it's a less pourous surface- it's more rubbery. He actually got two straps with his FT7, and I occasionally use his strap with my FT4- even though the transmitter things are different it seems to operate... but it can be shaky. Not sure if that's due to strap design overall, or using the not-exactly-right transmitter.

    Also, after a year of consistent use, my main strap (and the FT7 strap too) dig into my sides with every. freaking. workout. I have little cuts as battle scars for each run, Zumba class, etc. Ouch. Bodyglide didn't seem to help, tape made it worse. Not sure what to do about that, but wanted to mention.

    Good luck!