TDEE - 20%

Silly question but I haven't been on a restrictive diet or anything and am starting my TDEE - 20% today
5ft 4 female 174 1bs, TDEE - 20 % is 1950 cals. (exercising around 4 times a week)
Should I see the scale move in the first week? I understand it's only a loss of around 1lb per week. I'm aiming to lose a stone in time for my wedding in 16 weeks :)
any advice or previous experience of people with similar stats would be appreciated


  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    If you're accurately counting your calories you should probably see some kind of movement on the scale in the first week. If not, then adjust your calorie goal as necessary.

    A word though about expectations: People lose weight at different rates. You're not going to lose exactly 1 pound per week. Weight fluctuates, and there will be ups and downs. I lost 15 pounds, and it took me 4 months, so your goal is reasonable. Just keep everything in perspective.
  • clarebear230786
    clarebear230786 Posts: 30 Member
    thanks so much for this :) I understand it may not happen every week but it's good to hear from people who have lost a similar amount to what I want to.
    My long term goal is 2 stones altogether but my wedding is my half way goal :)