4 week commitments…let's do this!

Time to brush off the holiday free fall & claim some healthy goals for the next 4 weeks!

Here's what I've decided to commit to for the next 4 weeks (January 5-31st):

Workout goal: 20X (my intention is to establish the habit & have fun with it! If mainly cardio, that's fine. I want to establish a base level of fitness before adding strength)

Healthy eating goal: Log in MFP 24 days (out of 28). Focus on planning, making, & enjoying delicious veg food!!

Anticipated challenge: Spending a week in Chicago for work (Jan 13-18), followed by a social weekend with friends. Nervous about the lack of control I'll have with time, food choices, exercise options, sleep, etc.

Strategy for meeting the challenge: If I strive for "perfection" in eating and exercising while away, I know from experience this will backfire and I'll likely "give up" altogether. My plan this time is to accept there are a number of factors that will be out of my control. My goal is to focus on making the healthiest choices I can given each situation I'll be in and to remember my COMMITMENT to radiant health, fitness, & feeling good in the long run!

Weight goal: 140's. Time to stop bouncing around in the 150's & claim this!

I want the accountability of putting this in writing and sharing it here with y'all.

So now that I've showed you mine…what are yours? :)