Hello! :)

Hi, I'm new to the MFP community. Wanted to introduce myself and see about expanding my circle of community friends. A little about myself: I've been type 1 Diabetic (on insulin) for 39 years. My weight was always in the normal range for my height. In high school I developed an eating disorder, simply because skinny was the new hot. Stupid. Did this off and on for years and suffered many an ill consequence as a result. In my early 20's I knew I had to be kinder to myself. I joined Living Well Lady (anyone remember that place?) and started eating much cleaner. That's when my road to health and fitness began. 20 years later I am still very active. I've gone through many phases, i.e., Step, Zumba, Kickboxing, Running, Yoga, etc. The 2 things that I enjoy most, and that have remained a constant in my fitness program are Spinning and Strength Training. I quit smoking 16 years ago and thank the Gods every day for giving me the strength to overcome that habit. Over the years I've put on a few lbs. I'm convinced my metabolism is slowing now that I'm in my 40's and besides Diabetes, I also have a sluggish thyroid. Yay me! LOL! Despite all this, I am thankful for my health and try to do the best by my body each and every day. I'm looking to drop about 20. I'd even be happy losing 10. I suck at pushups and kettlebells intrigue me. Anyway, that's my story. Please introduce yourself and if you wish, tell me your story. :))))