Hello! Not new to MFP but new to the Forums

Hello! I have been using MFP for quite awhile and I just now discovered the forums. I guess that's what happens when you pretty much exclusively use the app lol.

A bit about me: I am 29 years old, female, and I have been working towards my weight loss goal for about 18 months or so. I started at 247 and I am around 184 now. I am 5'9 so my first goal is 180 and then my ideal weight will be around 165.

My biggest fitness goal is to do the Warrior Dash in May, if you haven't heard of it here is a link to it: http://warriordash.com/

I do watch what i eat, typically consuming about 1400 calories, I still allow myself to have a treat every now and then but don't beat myself up over it. I try and exercise 3-4 times a week doing both strength and cardio. My favorite thing is Hot Yoga, gives me a good sweat session and I am more flexible than I have been in years.

Oh! I am about 2 inches away from fitting into my high school jeans!!


  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    You've been doing a wonderful job girl! WTG!

    Love pulling out the old jeans and fitting in them..I'm closer than I used to be to my high school jeans without being near the weight I was...Muscle building is getting me there..my figure isn't near where it used to be though...LOL Gonna need some more fat loss myself...but I'll get there. I've been plateauing for a while now and am upping my cals because it seemed I went too low..which wasn't really low at all...but maybe for me I need more cals for the burns I get. Just got my HRM to see how accurate some of the burns are :)
  • callmeampersand
    callmeampersand Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you :) You are doing great yourself! Yea, after I had my daughter my shape changed a lot, my hips are much bigger than they used to be lol.
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Your welcome! and I Know that feeling girl!!! LOL

    My stomach will never be what it used to be..but I really don't care as long as I get the weight off...I miss myself :) I'm getting my old self back a pound at a time and I will keep her this time! May make a modification in a few years if I feel I want it bad enough but first have to get myself where I want to be. I will get there I'm sure of it. There are bumps and potholes along the way and right now I'm digging myself out of that plateau deal..I'm sure I'll get there though. Just going to keep on kicking my own butt...LOL