wow so I fell of for a little and gained practically all my weight back except for 7 pounds........ that's pathetic, I started a new job working nights in June and that's when i lost all motivation and self control.... my schedule is always changing and I am always tired.. i have been emotionally eating, and using food as a crutch... I feel disgusting and its so depressing... I look back and think if I would have stuck to it I would be at my goal by now... its a constant battle with myself... I am determined to get this weight off once and for all. i cant do this anymore.. I cant feel like this, any support or help would be much appreciated.. add me and we can keep each other on track!


  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Hey you're still 7 lbs lighter! Also we all know that things don't go perfectly as planned. Pick yourself up, dust your hands off and move.
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I can totally relate!! I lost 25# last year and have gained almost every pound back. Drinking and Depression are my downfall. BUT, 2014 is a new beginning for me! Since I've rededicated myself I've lost another 5 pounds (mostly water) and see some of my muscle definition back! Add me and we can keep each other accountable!
  • MARTIC0058
    MARTIC0058 Posts: 42 Member
    I have been there and done that! You just have to fight! I lost around 70lbs and gained 40 back! And now I still have 20 more to shed! The holidays really stopped my progress! I have a great fb team more motivation and support if your interested let me know. But will also help here also. I will send you a friend request.

  • djminehart
    djminehart Posts: 2 Member
    That is exactly how the past 5 years of my life have been. I'd lose the weight and think I could go back to my old ways. I just had my first child in November and I did not pay much attention to what I ate while I was pregnant - big mistake. Now, here I am starting from square one, once again. It's so frustrating, especially since you know the only one to blame is yourself. It really is a constant battle. I've gotta get it through my head that this is a lifestyle change and not just for a few months! Sorry I rambled :) Good luck to you!