
I have been using the site for about a month, my brother told me about it. I need to lose quite a bit & can use all the help I can get. I used to be thin w/out watching what I ate or excercising - that was until I had my daughter. Now I am having a tough time getting into the exercise thing - I start well but tend to not stick to it. This site is helping me stick to it better....I think this is a great site for everyone, even if no weight loss is needed. It sure has been an eyeopener for me to see how many calories are in the foods I love. It makes me think twice about how badly I really want my beloved Mexican food!!


  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    mmm mexican food... I still use Chipotle tis the yum! and with blackbeans and sweet potatoes still a decent meal with good flavor, just make it from scratch though well other than the chipotle - might be spelling that wrong. Welcome to the site :) and it's good that it's working out for you.