I suck at birthday parties---Rant



  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    Your friend is kind of a dilhole.

    She could also be referred to as a 'frenemy'

    Seriously, I know you're feeling much better now but this so called 'friend' of yours isn't good for you.

    If you get flustered easily and have obvious difficulty throwing kids parties then why is she making things harder for you?

    Not only that, but bringing up her issues with you the next day?

    Toxic, toxic, toxic.

    You need friends who calm your nerves and reassure you kindly, not frazzle you unkindly and unsympathetically.

    Take responsibility and get some real friends before you ruin your life.

    This would be the best birthday gift for your daughter - a mother who stands up for herself and demands kindness and gratitude.

  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    meanwhile in africa...


    Underrated post.

    We used to drink from the freakin hose for crying out loud. I didn't die.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You apolgoized- the only other VIABLE (realistic) option- knowing it was a forgotten thing (and water is a thing- it's not like a completely superflous extra- it's water- there should be water somewhere- which clearly there was so again- NOT a crisis)...
    anyway- since she didn't OFFER to go get some- the next best thing would have been for you to say-
    "Oh I'm sorry I forgot-my mistake- here's five bucks- can you go to the gas station and buy a 24 pack for us so we can continue to clutter up the land fills with plastic wasteful bottles because your kid is to picky to drink clean water from the tap"

    or some such.

    You did great- a club house- for a 3 year old? that's a feat. Come on- I was happy I got ONE surprise party as a kid. My parents made my birthday's specials but they certainly didn't jump through hoops and over the moon for me. They are kids- not royalty.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    You're overthinking this WAY too much.

    This was meant to be about YOUR DAUGHTER, not the rest of the people.

    1.) Did YOUR daughter have a good time? If the answer is yes, FORGET if anyone else had a good time, as it was your daughter's special day AND NOT the rest of the people. They're just lucky enough to have come along for the ride to celebrate her special day.

    Don't sweat it.