
I am not looking for criticism I am looking for anyone else doing Optifast so we can share ideas and support each other. I just started yesterday on my own and I am not sure if I have just the shakes or do I snack also. Also if you have or are doing Optifast how did you do it and what where you results?


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Didn't this come with a set of instructions?

    You won't find much support in the general forums for very low calorie meal replacement "diets." That's not what MFP (My FITNESS Pal) is really designed for. Here you log food & you log activity. Logging everyday (is work) but it teaches you LIFESTYLE changes that will help you stay thin long after the "diet" portion is complete.

    You might try looking in the groups section.....there might be some meal replacement users there. As for very low calorie....those threads get closed as they are dangerous.
  • christygb
    christygb Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Melanie,

    I'm doing Optifast 70 as part of a year-long+ program. My particular diet involves extensive medical monitoring. If you are doing Optifast 800 I'm no expert, but I think you eat 3 shakes and 2 portions of either a bar or soup. Some people also add a small meal of 3 oz of lean protein and 1 low-carb vegetable serving. Don't quote me on this. I think there are others doing your program who will hopefully chime in. Stay in touch with your doctor as very low calorie diets should be supervised. I've heard that some primary care doctors are happy to do that monitoring for you as part of your insurance coverage.

    My program also requires a weekly group meeting to address deeper issues of food addiction and behavioral intervention. The fasting portion of the diet is actually very short compared to the behavioral intervention. One thought would be for you to join either an Overeaters Annonymous or similar support group while you are fasting.

    I wish you the very best of luck on your journey!
