calories burned sightseeing?

hey! so i went sightseeing around a city today for about 3 hours, and wasn't sure if i should record this under exercise. i didnt use a heart rate monitor so i don't know how many calories i actually burned, but i didnt use any transportation and walked all around the city.

does anyone know approximately how many calories i should count it for, if at all? i weigh ~155, if that helps..


  • parksam6
    parksam6 Posts: 16
    any idea how fast you might have been walking? you might be able to calculate it that way. there is a "slow pace" in the exercise database. it could be a guesstimate.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    guestimate how much time you actually spent walking and then put it in as a slow pace. I do the same thing for grocery shopping.
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    Same here for the shopping!

    I reckon sightseeing and shopping are on a par - leisurely walking with a few breaks... but hey, 3 hours of leisurely walking is going to burn more calories than 3 hours of sitting on the sofa!
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I know this would low ball it, but you could just calculate it all as standing. You get 50cal and hour for standing so you would get 150cal for 3 hours.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Don't count it, it was at best, leisurely paced, and i'd count it as a bonus. A heart rate monitor wouldn't have helped much in this situation because you aren't actually getting your heart rate up...I sound like a bummer, but I hate to see people log exercise that really isn't and then eat back calories that they didn't really earn...Just my opinion.:ohwell:
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I agree with not listing it. I think people forget that even if you set your profile to 'sedentary' that is just your general activity level, it doesn't mean the calories calculated are for you sitting on the couch all day. Usually even a sedentary rating will automatically include a little walking and a certain number of hours on your feet because it assumes you still need to perform lifestyle activities.

    I also think that these activities are a bad time for heart rate monitors. They would show you an amount of calories burned but it wouldn't really be additional calories but rather mostly calories that you were burning anyway, regardless of the activity.

    If you really wanted to count it - you could see how much MFP allows you if you set your profile to 'lightly active' but that would be a stretch since it assumes you are on your feet all day.