Will I be all flabby?!

Hughes39 Posts: 169
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I need to loose 100-120 lbs and I'm so scared of getting all that stretched out extra flabby skin from loosing so much weight! Am I doomed? Or is there a way to avoid that?? I'm not sure that I can be too happy and confident with myself after loosing all the weight if I have all the skin left over.


  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I'm not an expert by any means, but losing the weight at a reasonable rate really seems to be the key to not having a ton of flab. The people I've encountered who had all the flab after losing weight lost it really quickly and in a not healthy way - essentially starving themselves and not adding in exercise for toning.

    There's no guarantee that there won't be some flab, but if you go about losing the weight in a healthy, reasonable way, I think the amount will be minimized.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    A little extra skin is WAY easier to hide than 120 lbs. At 114 down with 40 to go my stomach has no weird loose hanging flaps of skin, or my arms, or legs or anything else. My stomach (where I lost the most inches) is a little wrinkley, but that's SO much better than not fitting into pants, shirts, getting out of breath when walking up stairs, and looking 100+ lbs over weight.

    I guarantee you'll look better and feel better whether when you hit your goal weight. Worry about it when, or if, it becomes a problem. Until then stay focused and be healthier.
  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    Don't be afraid of flabby skin, verticalchaos is right, if you lose weight healthfully and at a moderate pace, flabby skin isn't a problem. My brother lost 200 lbs and his skin retracted quite well, he said it was nearly normal one year following his weight loss. Also, previously when I lost 80 lbs I was pleasantly surprised how well my saggy stretched out skin recovered its appearance. Your youth also works in your favor, your skin recovers better if your under 30. So focus your attention on your new healthy lifestyle, the skin will take care of itself. If you'd like a support buddy, feel free to friend me.
  • Hughes39
    Hughes39 Posts: 169
    A little extra skin is WAY easier to hide than 120 lbs. At 114 down with 40 to go my stomach has no weird loose hanging flaps of skin, or my arms, or legs or anything else. My stomach (where I lost the most inches) is a little wrinkley, but that's SO much better than not fitting into pants, shirts, getting out of breath when walking up stairs, and looking 100+ lbs over weight.

    I guarantee you'll look better and feel better whether when you hit your goal weight. Worry about it when, or if, it becomes a problem. Until then stay focused and be healthier.

    Oh I didn't mean that I don't want to lose the weight if it meant extra skin. I just think it would be kinda depressing. mom has a lot of extra skin but she's done so many drugs her weight has gone from extremely anorexic looking to bigger then I am now then back down again within a matter of months. But I guess that goes back to losing too much too quickly.
    It's just always paranoid me.

    But thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to remember to focusing on TONING and not just losing the weight!
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    I've had 4 children (including twins) and 2 c-sections... my stomach already hangs! I have 69 more lbs. to lose to reach my goal weight, and I'm sure the hanging skin on my stomach is not going to tone up. So... I decided that when I do reach my goal weight, my reward to myself is going to be a tummy tuck! I know it's going to take most of our tax refund that year -- but after losing a total of 74 lbs I will deserve it dang it!! LOL!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I've done a lot of research on this as it's something I'm also scared of. And in truth, regardless of age, how long you've been "over weight", and how fast you lose it - some people have the skin tighten up pretty quickly and pretty well, while other people are left with lots of loose skin. If you're younger you will have a better chance of the skin tightening up on it's own, and if you lose the weight slowly you'll also have a better chance of the skin tightening up. But in the end there is no guarantee that you still won't be left with lots of the "wobbly bits". *** Your best bet is to lose no more than 1 - 2 lbs a week and to do strength training. The added muscle will help fill out the skin. After reaching goal weight give it time to tighten up. After a year and a half to two years if there are still loose skin issues then you should decide whether it's something you can live with or if you'll want to do surgery. I'm personally not a big fan of surgery unless it's 100% necessary, so I pray that I won't have much loose skin issues.
  • ysaidpie
    ysaidpie Posts: 83
    I am 28 years old, I was a chubby kid and obese teenager. I lost 100 pounds over the course of 1-2 years, from the ages of 22 to 24. I have flabby skin although I lost it slow and thru diet & exercise. It's not awful, and I am sure no one notices unless I had my clothes off. My husband calls it my "little secret" because with clothes on, you can't really tell. Until I sit down, then I have a small belly roll! It is super depressing because I can't wear the clothes I want to, and have to wear shorts with my bathing suit to cover my flabby thighs, nevermind the bikini never being an option because of my belly! My sister actually weighs more than me, but looks skinnier because she never had a weight problem. This is the reason why I am doing MFP now, I am trying to lose more weight and tone up. Surgery is so expensive! I have heard from fitness training websites that you will only have a thin layer of loose skin, once you lose all your fat. So I am hoping by decreasing my body fat percentage it will minimize the "roll" to a point where I am comfortable. I think being we had a weight problem, we have to work even harder to reverse it, unlike my sister and those who are naturally skinny :(
    I will post when I reach my goal weight whether or not it made much of a difference.
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