I'm Ready to Be Me Again


My name is Maria and I've been sporadically using My Fitness Pal for the past year or so with minimal effort or motivation. See, 2012 and 2013 were terrible years for me, which led me to completely neglect my health and fitness, leading to a gain of about 35 lbs. I used to love working out, and clothes shopping alone was motivation enough for me to try and stay in shape. But with a major breakup in 2012, financial obliteration, and my father passing away in the summer of 2013, I've been a complete mess to say the least.

I feel so out of control in my body, even though I've learned that my fitness and weight are just about the ONLY things I do have some control over in this world. Because of my weight gain, my knees get sore, I've started snoring, and I hate to shop for new clothes, even when the clothes I'm wearing now are on their last legs.

Anyway, I wanted to introduce myself and hope to gain some motivation from all of you. I'm starting back up with exercise today and logging everything I've eaten so far. Right now I'm about 175 or so (age 35). I'm aiming for losing at least 25 lbs, getting me back down to 150, but 145 would be ideal. I just don't know if I can ever get down that low again.

