
Hello, new here:)

Weighed 15 and a half stone back in July. Saw a picture of myself and knew I had to do something. Have been at that weight for about 12 years. I'm 5'11, and I gave myself a goal of a wedding in December to loose some weight by. I made some small but I think important changes to my lifestyle. I eat breakfast every morning. I gave up fizzy drinks completely. I stopped snacking, except for the occasional treat of some nuts, and I've been walking without fail every day. After a month I started running. Now the weather is bad I'm at the gym and I do between 5k and 8k on a elliptical trainer at least 5 times a week. As for the weight loss I'm down 2 stone. I want to lose another few lbs and get to 13 st. Not sure what my target weight should be, but I'll just be happy to reach that goal.

I'm male btw
