Hi I'm Lauren! Need Weight Loss Buddies!!!



  • dhogan72
    dhogan72 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am Denise. I have been on MFP for a few months also but have only been committed and consistent for the last 2 weeks. Now that I am in the right frame of mind, I don't want to do it alone. I will be a buddy too (once I figure out how to do that lol).:smile:
  • Hi not new to this either was on at beginning of last year and did really good for six months lost around 25 pounds from 195 down to 170 then slowly slacked off then i was not even writing things down on here my last entry was in like august i believe so im willing to try again and would like to be your support as well as being supported good luck everyone
  • mobeasley
    mobeasley Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Sounds like we all have a lot in common! I, myself, am trying to get more committed and consistent!! I'm turning 40 this year and would love to loose 40 pounds by my birthday - which, granted, is April 1st - so I don't think that's a realistic goal....but hoping it will keep me motivated!! I signed up for a beginner's hoola workshop so hoping that will help the lovely gut area!!! Would love to have more support!!
  • I'm in need of fitness buddies!! My name is Jordan and I also want to lose about 58lbs to get to my goal weight. My wedding is in 6 months so I'm kicking into high gear with T25 and a vegan diet! Let's be friends! :)
  • I would love to join you. We are the same in the regard of the inconsistency but I am have huge event coming up in 9 months and I need to lose 80 pounds!! I really really want to lose weight and get results for a change. I have never explored being part of a community as well so I would like to try it. I actually like to work out and I now have a workout partner that I feel will help me when I still don't feel like going. I look forward to getting to know you and everyone who will help me with this journey.
  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    Also, a quick guide to all of those who are just starting out:


    If there is 2 things I could help new people learn from my struggles:

    1] What you're doing HAS to be sustainable. Do not view this as temporary. Change the way you eat FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. When you're super motivated we tend to go for the homerun (superhero mode) and workout like crazy and barely eat. While you'll see short term gains, you won't last. Try to set a goal to lose 1lb a week. Establish regular workout times you can keep. For me it was in the AM because that was the ONLY time in my day nobody could overrule.

    2] This is all about choices. Next time you're ordering lunch, remember fries are about 300-400 calories. Think about how long and hard of a workout you need to pay that back. True, eating fries that day won't make you fat. But making choices like that repeatedly will. So every time you want to order fries ask yourself if you'd rather have the fries or a thinner waist.

    Good luck! I see a lot of 'trying this again', I hope you make it this time!
  • I'm not new to weight loss sites, but I am to MFP. I'm just getting into the social aspect as well. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi Lauren!Please add me in. Like others, I know I need some extra push and motivation from others to loose weight. I am so ready to loose that unwanted extra weight. I work full time and my 2 &1/2 years daughter still wakes up 2-3 times every night. I feel tired all the time and havent really stressed on healthy eating and excercices. I am sure I will have more energy if I start eating healthy and excercisisng. My goal is to loose minimum 30lbs in next 6 months.
  • phara0hsdaughter
    phara0hsdaughter Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I would also like more friends on this to help motivate me- I want to lose about 1-2 stones so please feel free to add me!