Exercises for people with Back problems

Hi there,

I have just started trying to lose weight. Usually when I do this I only make a half attempt which is why I never succeed. It is not really about 'looking' good for me, but about feeling healthy and better within myself.

The end of 2012 I had lost a stone and was feeling generally healthy, but in January 2013 I developed severe leg and back pain and wasn't doing much for half of the year. I put the weight back on plus more.

Doctors have diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia. I am in pain quite a lot and it is mainly my back and legs. My muscles spasm and I don't have much energy - I am taking 10,000 iu of Vit D a day for my deficiency.

The problem I am facing is I don't know where to start with exercising. Is there anyone here with similar problems who can recommend any work outs for me or activities I can do?

I started dieting a week ago and controlling my calories to under 1500 a day but I need start exercising to make an impact on my goal.

I am currently 188lb and want to lose about 2-3 stone.

Thank you in advance. :)


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    weight is a function of your diet- and not so much of your working out.

    I would say walking or the pool- low impact and can be done for as long or as short as you need and still give you something.