Chronic yo-yo with the same 30-40lbs

Hi all,

I've done this a bunch of times in the past. I've been trying to lose weight off and on for about 10 years now. I always lose the same 30-40 lbs. Right about that time is when my reflection starts to show the weight loss and I get scared and stop. I don't know what exactly I'm terrified of. I've done this so many times. I've been on Weight Watchers 3 times, sparkpeople twice and this is my second time here. I'm hoping that if I use the community support network and blog about things this time around, that maybe I can break through those things that are scary to me.

Obstacles right now:
- I live in a bad neighborhood, so going out for a walk is more dangerous than for most.
- The closest bus stop is 3/4 of a mile away.
- We are on a very strict budget that doesn't allow for a lot of healthy foods that I'm used to. I need to learn how to branch out, desperately!
- My husband and I only have one car and he uses it to get to/from his job.

I need to learn to exercise in my own house (which isn't very big), and I need to learn to make the time and force myself to do it. I really want to try geocaching, but that will have to wait until Spring. There's 3" of snow on the ground right now and it's a whopping 2 degrees outside (windchill of -14!).

I wouldn't mind new friends. Sweet, kind, supportive friends who struggle with this. I have over 150lbs to lose before I hit goal (though my goal is open-ended. I don't want to be 100% numbers driven). I would really enjoy support from people who have large weight loss goals as well.