Need help! Binge eating, changing mindset!



  • louie377
    louie377 Posts: 30 Member
    Great Advice and comments :) You must have read Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle ?
  • anikab
    anikab Posts: 150 Member
    I have bouts of this too. but what I try to remember when I go to stuff my face with junk is 'weren't you just complaining about how fat you are? dont you want to show everyone you can do this? and what about those size 7 jeans you love so much, wouldn't you like to wear them by Halloween?' it works! you have to really think about your food choices some days and it's hard and sometimes we slip up but that just means we need to allow ourselves our favorite foods but in moderation. I like sweets, so I get the sugar free pudding snacks or jello etc. and it really helps. I don't buy candy or ice cream because I know I can't eat them in moderation. sometimes we mess up but that's ok, just work harder the next day and remember what we're here for.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    It might not just be your mind.

    I notice that when I eat white rice or processed sugars, I crave more, regardless of how much or little I've had.

    This week I had a tooth pulled and I've been eating rice pudding because I can't eat my usual crunchy diet. Now, I've been good, I've been eating sugar free rice pudding with low fat milk (not homemade) at 70 cal per serving, but I now I want more. And I want sugar.

    It makes absolutely zero sense to me that a sweet taste leads to a craving. I think it's actually the processed starch/sugar.

    So once my jaw heals, I'm back to fruit and fibre and that should be the end of it.

    Years ago, I quit smoking. Now I have to quit the processed starch/sugar. Again. This is harder, but we can do it.

  • louie377
    louie377 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi sugar foods do increase your appetite and Cravings
  • vikkij12
    We just had fathers day here and I had two of the kids and partners for dinner, which was a roast lamb. Ate too much and also had some apple crumble and custard (not much) and enjoyed it all. Didn't pick at the leftover meat which is something that in the past I would have done so I managed to stay away from the binge cycle (that meat would have been a precurser for a binge)
    Ah well spin class in the morning:laugh:
  • vikkij12
    We just had fathers day here and I had two of the kids and partners for dinner, which was a roast lamb. Ate too much and also had some apple crumble and custard (not much) and enjoyed it all. Didn't pick at the leftover meat which is something that in the past I would have done so I managed to stay away from the binge cycle (that meat would have been a precurser for a binge)
    Ah well spin class in the morning:laugh:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    some great posts, I have been really strict with my diet for over six months and managed to get down to goal weight with NO binging but the problem is staying here!!!! I have had lots of binging days since reaching goal and like so many have said chocolate etc starts it off, but for me bread and bread products are also a huge trigger!!! it seems much easier to avoid all sugar and for me wheat than to try and have just a little :sad: