Returning from a Hiatus need support again.

Hi I'm Jenn I'm returning from a long MFP hiatus but realize I need to get back on track. I previously lost almost 50lb but I'm gaining again because of different factors. NO EXCUSES.I just did a full MFP friend list clean up. Deleted people who were not giving me any support. I'll try my best to give you support and hopefully I can get some in return.


  • bridgett61
    bridgett61 Posts: 2 Member
    Same here. I am trying to get back into it. It is so hard but I am going to try my hardest!
  • reshi11
    reshi11 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome back and I am in a familiar place! I had lost and regained, life and emotional eating derailed me for a bit! I would also like more friends and support through here!
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 155 Member
    I'm back too! It should be easier right? We know WHAT to do.... but its sticking to it that is the issue!! :)
