Dash Diet



  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    absolutely - it is as you say "a crap ton of vegetables" and yes many of them have carbs
    but not all carbs are the same - check the glycemic index - especially important for many folks who are diabetic, or just insulin resistant - your starchy vegetables contain more carbs so on the DASH diet you would eat them sparingly - unlike my grandfather who had a bowl full of potatoes in one form or another with every single meal (mind you, he lived till he was 99 and never weighed more than 102 lbs after they cut out his duodenum after he got an ulcer at age 45)
    If like many of us, our bmi is too high, the addition of all of these vegetables will really help to move the fat out
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    hmmmm me thinks i need to learn to use the quoting button - sorry 'bout that
  • Oenotrian
    Oenotrian Posts: 8 Member
    I just downloaded the ebook, and it looks pretty good so far. After several years loosely following the Mediterranean Diet, this one doesn't look that much different, except for the first two restrictive weeks. I like having four weeks' worth of menus to follow. I always do better with planned-out menus.

    I plan on starting it this Sunday. I guess I'll have to report back here. The DASH group on the MFP forums doesn't look very active.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    absolutely - it is as you say "a crap ton of vegetables" and yes many of them have carbs
    but not all carbs are the same - check the glycemic index - especially important for many folks who are diabetic, or just insulin resistant - your starchy vegetables contain more carbs so on the DASH diet you would eat them sparingly - unlike my grandfather who had a bowl full of potatoes in one form or another with every single meal (mind you, he lived till he was 99 and never weighed more than 102 lbs after they cut out his duodenum after he got an ulcer at age 45)
    If like many of us, our bmi is too high, the addition of all of these vegetables will really help to move the fat out
    Yep. I eat a slow carb diet. I was merely objecting to the statement that the first two weeks had no carbs. It's statements like those that make the speed "readers" here jump to conclusions.
  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    I just downloaded the ebook, and it looks pretty good so far. After several years loosely following the Mediterranean Diet, this one doesn't look that much different, except for the first two restrictive weeks. I like having four weeks' worth of menus to follow. I always do better with planned-out menus.

    I plan on starting it this Sunday. I guess I'll have to report back here. The DASH group on the MFP forums doesn't look very active.

    Yes - very much like the mediteranian diet. I didn't bother with the restrictive first two weeks - just jumped into the main plan. I'm rarely hungry as I'm eating more veggies than I ever have before in my life - and - remarkably - have one heck of a lot more energy. As someone with type 2 diabetes i've been used to feeling grogy and sleepy all of the time (during the day and not sleeping at night). Thats another benefit - been sleeping so much better!! wow
  • ihadabadidea
    ihadabadidea Posts: 50 Member
    I'm salt sensitve and my blood pressure was consistently in the pre-hypertension stage which was a worry because practically everyone in my family dies from strokes. Thanks to tracking on MFP, I've been able to keep sodium around 2,300 mg, and that's been enough to bring my blood pressure into a normal range.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I just downloaded the ebook, and it looks pretty good so far. After several years loosely following the Mediterranean Diet, this one doesn't look that much different, except for the first two restrictive weeks. I like having four weeks' worth of menus to follow. I always do better with planned-out menus.

    I plan on starting it this Sunday. I guess I'll have to report back here. The DASH group on the MFP forums doesn't look very active.

    Yes - very much like the mediteranian diet. I didn't bother with the restrictive first two weeks - just jumped into the main plan. I'm rarely hungry as I'm eating more veggies than I ever have before in my life - and - remarkably - have one heck of a lot more energy. As someone with type 2 diabetes i've been used to feeling grogy and sleepy all of the time (during the day and not sleeping at night). Thats another benefit - been sleeping so much better!! wow
    The south beach diet (phase 2 and 3) is also very much based on the mediteranian diet. My own eating has been mediteranian influenced (and South beach based) for many years.
  • runlisaloo
    runlisaloo Posts: 35 Member
    My husband and I are 5 days into phase 1 of DASH. It's a lot like the South Beach Diet phae 1. So far, so good, we've both dropped some of our holiday "pudge".
  • gdogra
    gdogra Posts: 43 Member
    I'm starting the DASH diet this week :) I will plan out a menu and stick to it. At work, I generally don't eat at all. so that will have to change. Any support is appreciated and new friends are welcome :) - Gaurav, Hagerstown, MD
  • I have been following the dash diet since December 15... WEIGHT loss is slow but blood pressure is lower.
    It would be great if they would provide us with a FREE app specifically for DASH diet ... i.e. track calories, weight loss, exercise, menus & recipes... I signed on with My Fitness Pal but find it time consuming and some what confusing?
    Appreciate any advice you can offer.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have been following the dash diet since December 15... WEIGHT loss is slow but blood pressure is lower.
    It would be great if they would provide us with a FREE app specifically for DASH diet ... i.e. track calories, weight loss, exercise, menus & recipes... I signed on with My Fitness Pal but find it time consuming and some what confusing?
    Appreciate any advice you can offer.
    An app would be great. Hope one is forthcoming for you.
  • VTRita
    VTRita Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to continue hearing from folks who are eating the DASH way. Especially if you have been doing it for a while. I agree that the folks behind DASH really need to make an app or some sort of tracking system that is easy to use. I downloaded a couple (my DASH diet is one) from itunes and it's not great. So, I guess I am just going to use MFP to track my calories. If anyone knows of any good helpful sites out there, please share!!!! ( I have the book).