30 day shred/calorie burn

Ok so... I'm starting level 3 of the 30 day shred today and something doesn't make sense too me. I keep looking up how to log how many calories you burn and all I keep finding is log it like circuit training like I have been. My question is how the heck can you log all 3 levels at different intensities the same way? I'm highly considering getting a heart rate monitor but I'm curious if there are more accurate ways too log the three levels with this site. Any help
Would be awesome! I'm very new here well a week religiously and haven't been let down yet so it might take me awhile to figure a few things out:)


  • kristyrae24
    kristyrae24 Posts: 74 Member
    I highly recommend a HRM, I would be lost without mine. Im also doing 30DS and starting level 2 tomorrow :)
  • K3rB3ar89
    K3rB3ar89 Posts: 263 Member
    I'll probably have too do that! Goodluck!
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    HRM will give you a better accurate calories burn estimate. I love my HRM and would be lost without it. I have done 30ds twice and found level 3 a bigger burn but not by much .
  • K3rB3ar89
    K3rB3ar89 Posts: 263 Member
    Yeah. I'm 250 pounds and I actually found 1 and 2 alright. Level 3 is gonna be the end of me!