Is this allowed?

Am I allowed to have ONE day where I just don't keep track? Or if I do can I be okay with going way over my calories? I'm afraid of gaining my weight back because I haven't really lost any (1lb). But tomorrow is my 21st birthday, my fiancé wants to make me a big breakfast, and a special steak dinner and my sister is baking me a cake. I'm going to drink, obviously, but I'm staying in I'm not going out to a bar or anything because it's just not my scene, I don't care for the obnoxious drama of a bar or club lol. With the big breakfast, big steak dinner, cake, and alcohol (which is cotton candy vodka with regular Mountain Dew), I'm worried about messing everything up that I've accomplished and felt good about the past week or so. Should I avoid it all? Or do you think it would be okay?
I thought to myself that it's my 21st birthday, you only get one 21st, and the rest after that are slightly insignificant.
But then I also think to myself that I'm really worried about setting myself back because I've been doing so well.
Thanks in advance for your opinions!


  • e_elizb
    e_elizb Posts: 62 Member
    I think allowing yourself one day is perfectly alright. Maybe you could squeeze out a workout in there somewhere to try to offset it slightly. I would just go for it! And be prepared to get back on track the day after.
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    It's your 21st birthday. It's one day. You have your whole life.

    Celebrate. Enjoy. Get back on the wagon the next day.

    Happy birthday! :)
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    It's your 21st birthday. It's one day. You have your whole life.

    Celebrate. Enjoy. Get back on the wagon the next day.

    Happy birthday! :)
  • lizj0nes21
    Thanks guys! You're really putting me at ease about having a splurge day lol
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    Have a wonderful birthday and be safe!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    You're allowed to do whatever you like!!!
    ( especially considering you're turning 21 if you're in the states...)

    Happy birthday!! :)
  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    Go for it! !! Splurge I do it every other wknd. Just get back on it the following day
  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    Also happy bday
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    What everyone else said. One day won't completely kill your efforts as long as it doesn't turn into weeks of indulgence!

    If you're really psyched about that particular mixture of soda and alcohol then go for it, but I'd probably alter that aspect a bit just because I get as much enjoyment out of straight shots or a lower cal option. Then again I am a lot older than 21. You've gotta live it up on that day!! Happy b-day!
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    You're allowed to do whatever doesn't harm someone else, of course.

    If it was me, I'd log everything and go buck wild. But I'd still log it, because I loves me some data. I can't analyze data I don't have.

    Happy birthday!
  • kayla1025
    kayla1025 Posts: 104 Member
    totally agree with everyone else!! its your 21st!! you only have it once!! if you think you'll feel guilty do a big workout the day before or day after...

  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    You could add in a workout and dutifully log every shot of alcohol your friends buy you. OR you could just give yourself a special occasion rest.

    Really, have fun. One day won't ruin anything and you really don't want to ever hear yourself say "how many calories are in a shot of jagger?!"
  • lizj0nes21
    Thank you everyone for your support and your birthday wishes! :)
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    By the beard of Zeus, what is cotton candy vodka???

    You only turn 21 once, girlie. Just relax and have fun :)
  • snowmaniac
    snowmaniac Posts: 600 Member
    You only turn 21 once. Relax and have fun. Happy Birthday! :drinker:
  • lizj0nes21
    By the beard of Zeus, what is cotton candy vodka???

    You only turn 21 once, girlie. Just relax and have fun :)

    The brand is pinnacle vodka. It's called country fair cotton candy vodka. It is heaven. Mix it with Mountain Dew and it is absolutely amazing. It is like you're literally drinking cotton candy :)
  • Alyssawinter1221
    You've gotta get some birthday cake vodka!!! It's your birthday!! :) happy birthday!
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    Do it. It's your birthday, go crazy without worrying about calories.

    And happy early birthday, unless you're on the east coast then it is your birthday!
  • lizj0nes21
    Do it. It's your birthday, go crazy without worrying about calories.

    And happy early birthday, unless you're on the east coast then it is your birthday!

    Lol yes I'm on the east coast, so yes it is now my birthday(January 7th) so thank you! :)
  • lizj0nes21
    Okay everyone! I logged my birthday breakfast!

    I had 3 eggs, 2 pieces of buttered toast, 6 pieces of bacon and a cup of milk.
    For a grand total of 655 calories! Leaving me 705 calories for the rest of the day for my lunch, steak dinner, birthday cake, and cotton candy vodka with Mountain Dew.
    I am definitely going over my calories today, but it's my 21st birthday and at least I'm logging it! :)