On a "Top Ramen" kind of budget...



  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member

    Depends on what's available/where you live, but generally speaking:
    *buy in season local fresh produce.
    *eggs - cheap, versatile, good source of protein
    *lentils, beans - buy dry in bulk
    *look for deals on cheaper chicken/meat

    Here is what I do:
    *Make everything from scratch - cookies, granola bars, cake, sauces, etc.
    *buy dry beans, pick over, wash and soak overnight. Then put in the crockpot and cook till soft (either plain to use later in other recipes or seasoned). whatever i make - i freeze in small packets. that's like finding 'canned beans' in your freezer - priceless.
    *look to traditional ethinic foods for ideas of cheap proteins - you'll generally see some kind of cheap protein with a carb and the good news is that it's usually delicious - that's where you get your great pasta dishes, couscous with vegetable and chickpea stew, rice and beans, noodles and veg with a little meat, etc.
    *buy whole chickens when available on sale, season and roast (i remove the skin before roasting) - then pick all the chicken off the bones , chop and freeze. then you have cooked chicken for whatever you need - burritos, add to salad, chicken salad, pasta sauce, lasagna filling, etc.