6 days in

Well I have not been perfect and have let my boredom, mental state, or cravings take control a few times. The good thing is I have documented everything. Today is the first day I have felt "deprived". Like I was missing out on something. I know that it is all in my head but truly struggle with this issue. I'm still looking for a positive support group. I want to make it through the whole month of January logging in daily. I don't want to feel as if I have something to hide. Call me crazy, but I need help.


  • keykey48
    keykey48 Posts: 51 Member
    six days of tracking is a great accomplishment and you should be proud! I read something once about eating right and feeling deprived, what are you deprived of if you are eating right? feeling bloated, uncomfortable, unhappy? it hit home for me as I get into the mood where I feel deprived too. I realized I could have a little of anything, the only thing I'm really depriving myself of is eating too much of something. I feel like I've earned the right to stuff my face but what does that really accomplish? it's so hard for some reason but I feel like if we can learn that we're not depriving ourselves, we're doing ourselves so much good it will all become natural at some point to eat a little, not a lot.

    be kind to yourself, keep tracking, if you can make it a month you'll have a new habit in place!
  • keykey48
    keykey48 Posts: 51 Member
    I also recommend you go on the message boards and just start sending friend requests. you'll be amazed at who you find out there. I've come to rely on people all over the world to cheer me on and up!