Im Daryl and im hurting...

Iv been using MFP for a long time its worked but fallen off the wagon a couple of times and maybe don't deserve to be asking for this help , last night I lost a very good friendship and I feel like im broken, iv decided to sort my miserable life out because I deserve better, maybe if I sort my mind/weight/life out everything will fall in to place (wishful thinking I know) so I guess im asking for help, because I cant to this alone and cant trust the people in my life, I have at minimum 70 lbs/ 5 st to lose.

Open to new people, happy to chat in general. give and take advice, thanks guys/


  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    lets do this!
    add me up, I will help you get back on track!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Why wouldn't you deserve any help? You're here, aren't you? You're moving in the right direction by asking for support.

    I'm sorry about your friend, I've never been in that type of situation so I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now. give yourself time to grieve.

    I would recommend pulling away from those you can't trust. Even if it's family, there are times when you just have to cut ties, for your own health.
  • tweetypixx
    tweetypixx Posts: 65 Member
    Please feel free to add me, Im so sorry to hear about your friend. Im on here everyday so always willing to give support and help when you needed or even just for a chat.

    Im sure with motivation and support from people on here you will achieve your goal. I wish you lots of luck.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'm here to help as much as I can too. kagevf is who you should really listen to. He will give you some great links I'm sure soon.

    I am wondering if you are depressed? It seems that way to me only because I saw it happen in my own life with a loved one. Do you think you could be? If yes then best to talk to a doctor ASAP.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    aww come here mockchoc (((big hugs)))
  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member
    Sending you an add :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    aww come here mockchoc (((big hugs)))

    shut up!
  • Grumbers
    Grumbers Posts: 111 Member
    It's on like Donkey Kong! Let's do this!!!! :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    It's on like Donkey Kong! Let's do this!!!! :)

    YES!!!! Even I will get back on board if you do Daryl. Deal?
  • Tee2072
    Tee2072 Posts: 15
    I'm sorry that happened. People can suck.


    I am on every day as I have just recommitted to lose my last 22 pounds, so let's be friends! :happy:
  • Daz49ers
    Daz49ers Posts: 125 Member
    So many kind words, you guys honestly don't know how much it means to me.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Daryl YOU can do this! You've gotten some amazing people offering assistance take them up on it! Taking control of your health and fitness is a very empowering thing. One choice at a time, one meal at a time, one pound at a time. You've got this!
  • MissJazzie14
    MissJazzie14 Posts: 60 Member

    Friendships comes and friendships go but remember friendships does not define you. MFP is a place where you can get the most support and although you may have fallen off the wagon a few times (which most of us have) all you have to do is start over. There is nothing in the book of weight-loss that says it will be easy and if you fall off your diet your a bad person. I am a true believer when you start doing things that is best for you, things will start to fall into place even friendship. You are not on this journey alone my friend =) I wish you luck and always keep your head up )
  • timmer74
    timmer74 Posts: 46 Member
    Add me man.... I was in pretty much the same boat. It gets way better when you stuck to it. Happy to motivate and could use more of the same!
  • shermack
    Good Morning Daryl
    Truly sorry for your lost. Getting back to loving yourself is the first step. Stress adds on weight and Im learning that as well. I joined MFP to get back on track after a terrible divorce. Trying to get my mind/weight/life back into perspective. Let's do this together. There are a lot of people on this site to keep us focus and motivated. My goal is to lose 40 lbs and thus far I may not have lost weight (haven't weighed in since Friday) but eating right has already started me to feeling better. Prayers your way!!!! #Team MFP#.
  • seauxphat
    Daryl YOU can do this! You've gotten some amazing people offering assistance take them up on it! Taking control of your health and fitness is a very empowering thing. One choice at a time, one meal at a time, one pound at a time. You've got this!

    Wonderful words of wisdom! I especially love, "one choice at a time."
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    I love you buddy!!! Dont you worry your cute little head about a thing..Ive seen you in action and I know you can do this. Relationships are a huge trigger for me..I hate to say it but I started this journey for all the wrong reasons..1. to prove people wrong about me, and 2. to impress a guy. But like some say: whatever gets us here!

    My advice is cut out negative people..they kill. YOU are important. YOU are lovable. YOU deserve good things. Health. Success. and you know who can get it for you? YOU. I support you. You are a handsome and cool guy. Dont let anyone get you down. Remember this is a lifestyle thing. give yourself a lot of time to see the results and just stay with it. I have been limping along and have met some really big goals. but its taken a lot of time. The first 6 months I lost 50, the next 6 months I lost 25 and the last 3 months I have lost just 8. I mean SLOW. But steady and a lot of ups and downs along the way.

    You can do this. We are here. NEVER GIVE UP <3 xo
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    Daryl, I use to weigh 350lbs , I lost 150 pounds on my on before this site. I am 5'6 currently at 165 lbs . So it is a constant push I want to be around 130 to 140 lbs. It is hard, but what I love about this website is the amount of support and motivation everyone is on same journey. At times all you do is pick at the negative and not focus on the positive. Be strong buddy. If I can do it I know you can :) The support and motivation you get on here keeps you going. Feel free to add me if you need an extra motivating buddy :)
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Hi Daryl.

    Why do you keep falling off the wagon? What's your approach and why do you stop?

    If it's happened multiple times, especially if for the same/similar reasons each time, we should tweak your approach, yes?
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Hey bro, the first thing you have to do is stop with the "maybe I don't deserve help" stuff. Failure doesn't make you who you are. How you respond to failure does. Persistence is key.

    Consider your self image:

    Consider your motivation:

    Consider your methods:

    You can do this. There are a lot of people here who can and will help, but you've gotta want it for yourself because as you deserve better.