Looking for support on the journey ;-)

Hi! I've been a MFP user for awhile - lost some weight, then lost motivation and gained it back. I keep repeating the cycle. I'd love to make it work for me this time. I'm 45 and have 45 pounds to lose to get me out of the "obese" category. I moved into the obese category when I had my first child 16 years ago and haven't been able to get out of it since then.

I'm highly motivated now, but would love some support in the coming weeks. I do great planning healthy meals and certainly know which foods to eat and which foods to try to avoid, but my biggest downfall is late afternoon snacking. When the kids come home from school, I seem to think that it's snack time for me as well and make bad choices. Once I don't see the weight coming off, I get discouraged and can't seem to get back on track for a few months again.

Would love to stop the cycle and get control of my weight for good this time! Greatly appreciate any help, advice, suggestions.



  • barb106
    barb106 Posts: 36 Member
    I can relate! Friend request on the way...
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Me too! It's hard when the whole house isn't on the same eating plan. Afternoon snacking is the toughest! If it's not in the house, I don't crave it, but sometimes even the hubby complains that there's nothing 'sweet' (according to his definition...). How do I keep him and our daughter happy without buying too much tempting stuff??? Friends request on the way :)