Is this too fast?


This pic represents my weight loss since September 5th until today. I lost 10kg since then (a little more than 22 pounds). Is this to fast? I'm 5'10" (178cm) and have 168.5lbs (65.5kg), and my ideal weight should be/is 150lbs (68kg). I started in May, but didn't have the courage to weigh myself often, I just know I started with 209lbs (95kg), so I just posted you this info from september until now. What do you think is 22 pounds in 4 months to fast? And 43 pounds (19.5kg) since the middle of May??

I don't want to gain all this back, I have worked so hard to get it off, so I don't want to rush my weight loss.


  • Arne_becomesxXx
    Arne_becomesxXx Posts: 504 Member
    I think it´s totally ok.
    So, as I cant see your diary, hope it´s not by fasting the whole time :)
    But for normal, you can calculate with 0.5 to 1 kg a week with healthy eating and sports.

    So, you´re on a good way.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    That's 5.5lbs lost a month. That isn't out of line. (1.3lb/s a week roughly)

    Good job and keep it up!
  • sarzo14
    sarzo14 Posts: 35 Member
    I actually don't logg my foods here so it wouldn't help if you cold see (the empty) diary, I use the Calorie Counter app but you guys are so much more active on the forums :D I used to play volleyball professionaly, but when I stopped I gained a lot of weight. I now have practices 2 times a week (just for recration, but we are all former volleyball players), I try to go to school with my bike, I'm thinking of joining a fitness. I've been eating 1600-1700 on average.
  • Arne_becomesxXx
    Arne_becomesxXx Posts: 504 Member
    I actually don't logg my foods here so it wouldn't help if you cold see (the empty) diary, I use the Calorie Counter app but you guys are so much more active on the forums :D I used to play volleyball professionaly, but when I stopped I gained a lot of weight. I now have practices 2 times a week (just for recration, but we are all former volleyball players), I try to go to school with my bike, I'm thinking of joining a fitness. I've been eating 1600-1700 on average.

    So.....all seems to be fine :) Keep it up!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Doesn't seem too fast... but I would think that you should expect it to slow down soon, as you are getting closer to your goal weight.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member

    This pic represents my weight loss since September 5th until today. I lost 10kg since then (a little more than 22 pounds). Is this to fast? I'm 5'10" (178cm) and have 168.5lbs (65.5kg), and my ideal weight should be/is 150lbs (68kg). I started in May, but didn't have the courage to weigh myself often, I just know I started with 209lbs (95kg), so I just posted you this info from september until now. What do you think is 22 pounds in 4 months to fast? And 43 pounds (19.5kg) since the middle of May??

    I don't want to gain all this back, I have worked so hard to get it off, so I don't want to rush my weight loss.

    You think you are rushing? Well what is the rush anyway?