Where am i going wrong?!

Hi Guys and Gals I'm Jess *Waves*

Iv been on the site for a few months now and have been pretty dedicated with maybe one or two slip ups over Christmas. My reason for posting is because although i have been sticking to my calories and hitting the gym 3 times a week Iv only lost 5lbs in just over 8 weeks :( What am i doing wrong? If anyone could give me any insights as to what it may be that I'm doing wrong i would appreciate it a lot!!

Calories 1474 (TDEE calculation without exercise as i don't do the same exercise every week)


Monday - Spin class 45 minutes, conditioning work ie. squats,lunges,crunches,bicep curls, planks, leg raises etc.

Wednesday - Legs, bums & Tums class 45 mins, 20 minute run on treadmill

Friday - 15 minute bike, 20 minute treadmill (interval training between run and walk) & conditioning as above.

If there is something at the gym you think would be better than what im doing please tell me my goal to loose 40lb's is going to take a long time at this rate so any help will gratefully received :D

P.s I don't eat back my workout calories and if i do only maximum of 100

Thanks in advance


  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Of course, I can not tell you what is going wrong with any certainty. I will tell you that the majority of people underestimate what they are eating every day. Do you have a food scale? Do you weigh/measure/log everything you eat? That should be your first step if you don't.

    ETA: Weight loss is all about the number of calories you are eating. Exercise benefits your health. Work on shaping up your diet first.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Do you weigh your food?
  • rjpittner
    rjpittner Posts: 70 Member
    Have you taken measurements? In addition, if you're still experiencing sore muscles, it could be possible that your muscles are retaining water. Try drinking a gallon a day and see what it does for you.
  • charleyreedto175
    charleyreedto175 Posts: 60 Member
    In looking at what you said your work out was I could see why your a little frustrated. First a 45 minute spin class will not give you the same weight loss effects as walking or running. Second conditioning work again will help your over all body and slowly help reduce but this is a very slow process compounded with the fact it is low volume and low intensity. Your 20 minute on the treadmill needs to be increased to five days a week for any positive gain with a goal of 30 minutes and building up to an hour. Yes an hour. Then as far as 15 minutes on a bike and then switching to a treadmill that is a waste of energy. The 15 minutes on the bike will burn very little. You have to make it something that you like to do and then ramp up the intensity. If you just walk for 30 minutes a day you will see better results than the program you have set up now.
    The second of your problem is more than likely not the calorie count per say but what the food you are eating. Yes the type of food, time it is eaten and the amount of energy all play a part. Friend me if you want and you can look at my food and exercise goals daily. I work my butt off and in 6 months I have lost over 80 pounds. Yes I am back in shape but it is all work.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Do you weigh your food?

    This...without an open diary to see for sure this question has to be asked.

    Most of the time if you aren't losing as fast as you should be it's because you are eating more then you think.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    What are you stats? Height, weight, age

    What percentage deficit did you use from your TDEE (15? 20? 25?)

    You're not really following the TDEE method correctly. Exercise should be included. If you'd rather just go with one number as you are, then you need to eat your calories back when you do exercise. If you're worried about overestimating, then plan to eat at least half of them. Not eating them at all creates too high of a calorie deficit for healthy weight loss.

    As others have asked - do you weigh/measure your food?

    Are you sure your not still recovering from those Christmas slip-ups. I've seen a lot of folks asking about this lately but I think it's just a matter of being patient and staying on track for another couple of weeks to see if the weight starts coming off again.

    And really, you're not that far off base. 5 pounds in 8 weeks is an average of 0.625 pounds per week. With 40 pounds to lose, 1 pound per week is an ideal goal and you're not that far off.

    Perspective. Patience.

    P.S. What you do for exercise doesn't really matter.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    In looking at what you said your work out was I could see why your a little frustrated. First a 45 minute spin class will not give you the same weight loss effects as walking or running. Second conditioning work again will help your over all body and slowly help reduce but this is a very slow process compounded with the fact it is low volume and low intensity. Your 20 minute on the treadmill needs to be increased to five days a week for any positive gain with a goal of 30 minutes and building up to an hour. Yes an hour. Then as far as 15 minutes on a bike and then switching to a treadmill that is a waste of energy. The 15 minutes on the bike will burn very little. You have to make it something that you like to do and then ramp up the intensity. If you just walk for 30 minutes a day you will see better results than the program you have set up now.
    The second of your problem is more than likely not the calorie count per say but what the food you are eating. Yes the type of food, time it is eaten and the amount of energy all play a part. Friend me if you want and you can look at my food and exercise goals daily. I work my butt off and in 6 months I have lost over 80 pounds. Yes I am back in shape but it is all work.

    Yah no...the kind of food and when it is eaten is not going to prevent weight loss. Excess calories do.

    As for the exercise anything is good and there is no need to do an hour of cardio..

    I lost over 30lbs in 4 months eating a calorie deficet and walking 20mins a day...

    For exercise I would suggest lifting...it's 3x a week and I personally love it...but the key is to find somethign you love and doing it.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Hi Guys and Gals I'm Jess *Waves*

    Iv been on the site for a few months now and have been pretty dedicated with maybe one or two slip ups over Christmas. My reason for posting is because although i have been sticking to my calories and hitting the gym 3 times a week Iv only lost 5lbs in just over 8 weeks :( What am i doing wrong? If anyone could give me any insights as to what it may be that I'm doing wrong i would appreciate it a lot!!

    Calories 1474 (TDEE calculation without exercise as i don't do the same exercise every week)


    Monday - Spin class 45 minutes, conditioning work ie. squats,lunges,crunches,bicep curls, planks, leg raises etc.

    Wednesday - Legs, bums & Tums class 45 mins, 20 minute run on treadmill

    Friday - 15 minute bike, 20 minute treadmill (interval training between run and walk) & conditioning as above.

    If there is something at the gym you think would be better than what im doing please tell me my goal to loose 40lb's is going to take a long time at this rate so any help will gratefully received :D

    P.s I don't eat back my workout calories and if i do only maximum of 100

    Thanks in advance

    Oh please. Only 5 pounds in 8 weeks? What is the need to lose faster? Isnt around 1/2 pound a week a fairly healthy rate of weight loss?
  • jesstaylor21
    Thanks for all your replies thought id do a group response as apposed to individual it might be easier!!

    So first of yes i do weigh/measure ALL of my food I'm quite strict with it :)

    I can't do any more than 3 days a week exercise as i have a baby and it wouldn't be fair on hubby to go every evening! I try to do what i can at the gym but I'm also trying to build up my stamina, i have no clue what cardio is better than others or what weights help burn faster I'm just trying to do a mixture of things, but by the looks of it exercise isn't a necessity anyway!

    Stats are

    Age - 24
    height - 5'8
    weight - 179.8lbs

    I calculated my TDEE on scooby with a 25% weight loss and as i said didn't calculate in working out as i don't do the same thing all the time and some weeks a have to do less time due to baby :)

    My Diary is open so you should be able to view the sort's of foods i eat, yes im not 100% a 'Clean' eater but then i think if you deprive yourself of too much of the things you like your more likely to cave in and binge so i have a little of what i like and work extra hard those days :)

    Thanks again look forward to your replies :)

  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Maybe you just need to be patient. Please don't get sucked into the "I have to eat clean and deprive myself of all the foods I love so I can lose weight" mindset. It's all about burning more than you need, reasonably. It's taken me 19 months to lose just over 100 pounds and I never deprived myself of any food - but I ate within my calories for the day. Don't give up!
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    OP 5 pounds in 8 weeks is great; workout ought to be realistic and enjoyable, continue to be patient and best of luck.
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    In looking at what you said your work out was I could see why your a little frustrated. First a 45 minute spin class will not give you the same weight loss effects as walking or running. Second conditioning work again will help your over all body and slowly help reduce but this is a very slow process compounded with the fact it is low volume and low intensity. Your 20 minute on the treadmill needs to be increased to five days a week for any positive gain with a goal of 30 minutes and building up to an hour. Yes an hour. Then as far as 15 minutes on a bike and then switching to a treadmill that is a waste of energy. The 15 minutes on the bike will burn very little. You have to make it something that you like to do and then ramp up the intensity. If you just walk for 30 minutes a day you will see better results than the program you have set up now.
    The second of your problem is more than likely not the calorie count per say but what the food you are eating. Yes the type of food, time it is eaten and the amount of energy all play a part. Friend me if you want and you can look at my food and exercise goals daily. I work my butt off and in 6 months I have lost over 80 pounds. Yes I am back in shape but it is all work.

    Have you ever actually taken a spin class?? :laugh:
  • jesstaylor21
    hahaha i was soooooooo thinking this i literally look like iv walked out of the shower after a spin class!!

    Thanks for your comments guys i know im probably being wayyy over optimistic thinking ill loose quickly but i would just have thought going from no exercise and over eating to exercising my butt off and controlled eating i would have lost a bit more than 5lbs!

    As you say though keep going and hope for the best aye ;)

    Thanks again xx
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    25% deficit is too high - the scooby website gives you a pop-up warning saying it's dangerous without doctor's supervision.

    Please change it to 20% and please eat back at least part of your exercise calories. You need to take care of your body if you expect it to behave the way you want it to. Having too high of a calorie deficit doesn't necessarily mean that you'll lose faster, as I think you're now learning.

    Take care!
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    hahaha i was soooooooo thinking this i literally look like iv walked out of the shower after a spin class!!

    Thanks for your comments guys i know im probably being wayyy over optimistic thinking ill loose quickly but i would just have thought going from no exercise and over eating to exercising my butt off and controlled eating i would have lost a bit more than 5lbs!

    As you say though keep going and hope for the best aye ;)

    Thanks again xx

    "Yes the type of food, time it is eaten and the amount of energy all play a part"


    I eat whenever I want....any time of the day or night.

    But you got to do whats best for you. We can give all the advice that works for us but no1 can sit here and say that is the way to do it.
  • baileysmom4
    baileysmom4 Posts: 242 Member

    Oh please. Only 5 pounds in 8 weeks? What is the need to lose faster? Isnt around 1/2 pound a week a fairly healthy rate of weight loss?

    I'd be pretty happy with this!!!!
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    Maybe your gaining muscle and losing inches. Try measuring yourself and go by how you feel. Also cut down on the carbs and salt and fats if your taking to much. I know this helps me. :D Good luck with your journey towards health and fitness.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    In looking at what you said your work out was I could see why your a little frustrated. First a 45 minute spin class will not give you the same weight loss effects as walking or running. Second conditioning work again will help your over all body and slowly help reduce but this is a very slow process compounded with the fact it is low volume and low intensity. Your 20 minute on the treadmill needs to be increased to five days a week for any positive gain with a goal of 30 minutes and building up to an hour. Yes an hour. Then as far as 15 minutes on a bike and then switching to a treadmill that is a waste of energy. The 15 minutes on the bike will burn very little. You have to make it something that you like to do and then ramp up the intensity. If you just walk for 30 minutes a day you will see better results than the program you have set up now.
    The second of your problem is more than likely not the calorie count per say but what the food you are eating. Yes the type of food, time it is eaten and the amount of energy all play a part. Friend me if you want and you can look at my food and exercise goals daily. I work my butt off and in 6 months I have lost over 80 pounds. Yes I am back in shape but it is all work.

    this has to be a joke post :huh: :laugh: meal timing makes no difference, for the vast majority of people the type of calories doesn't make a difference, the OP stated that she isn't eating back her exercise calories, so the type of exercise doesn't make a difference as long as she is eating with enough deficit, etc

    - OP are you accurately weighing and measuring you food?
    - keep in mind the MFP databases can be very inaccurate. As an example a few nights ago i had something for dinner that was uploaded to MFP as being 320 calories. This didnt seem right to me so i and the owner of the restaurant worked it out together and turns out the dish was around 900 calories! if something seems too good to be true calorie wise, then it usually is wrong in the way you dont want it to be
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Thanks for all your replies thought id do a group response as apposed to individual it might be easier!!

    So first of yes i do weigh/measure ALL of my food I'm quite strict with it :)

    I can't do any more than 3 days a week exercise as i have a baby and it wouldn't be fair on hubby to go every evening! I try to do what i can at the gym but I'm also trying to build up my stamina, i have no clue what cardio is better than others or what weights help burn faster I'm just trying to do a mixture of things, but by the looks of it exercise isn't a necessity anyway!

    Stats are

    Age - 24
    height - 5'8
    weight - 179.8lbs

    I calculated my TDEE on scooby with a 25% weight loss and as i said didn't calculate in working out as i don't do the same thing all the time and some weeks a have to do less time due to baby :)

    My Diary is open so you should be able to view the sort's of foods i eat, yes im not 100% a 'Clean' eater but then i think if you deprive yourself of too much of the things you like your more likely to cave in and binge so i have a little of what i like and work extra hard those days :)

    Thanks again look forward to your replies :)


    Congrats on your loss so far!

    How recently have you had the baby and are you still breastfeeding? I promise I'm not trying to start any kind of breastfeeding vs. not debate, but if you're still breastfeeding it's important to make sure you're eating enough calories to sustain your milk supply. And if you've given birth recently it can take some time for your hormones to come back to normal. Some women find that their weight loss will slow or stall until that happens.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    " Your 20 minute on the treadmill needs to be increased to five days a week for any positive gain with a goal of 30 minutes and building up to an hour. Yes an hour. Then as far as 15 minutes on a bike and then switching to a treadmill that is a waste of energy."

    So switching from a bike to a treadmill is a waste of energy? Okay...............................

    Cracking me up with the definitive suggestions. lol

    But I am glad you lost 80lbs. Congrats. :smile: