I am a yoyo. See me spin!

Yo...Yo... Mic Check.

I am a yo-yo. I'd be a skinner yo-yo if I'd learn to walk the dog! Anyways, I've been on here off and on for a long time. I've been through some interesting phases of MFP life. At one point in time I lost over 100lbs, that was two years ago.I gained roughly 50lbs back in 2 years. Had marriage issues, other various issues. Took up being a amateur pro golfer among other things. Life was a blur and things were moving in all directions. On top of my job which was min. 50 hours, I ran a website of my own, helped run another major site, Chairman of the Tourism Board, Chairman of Stewardship council at church, Country Club Board member and more.. I was constantly on the run. Life sucked.

Now I'm on that back up motion of the yo-yo and hopefully can stop it from going down. I was young, I was stupid. I've learned many a lessons along the way. I decluttered my life some and while I'm still busy, I'm not gone every night doing something. I'm slowing down to smell the proverbial flowers.

Thanks for listening, I'm back, hopefully this yo-yo learns new tricks!