Psoriasis can increase obseity?

I had never heard this before today. I suffer from severe plaque psoriasis and I had quit taking my shot until my new insurance took effect. Just found this interesting. I've had psoriasis since I was 5 years old and had never heard this.


  • WhiteMagick
    WhiteMagick Posts: 11 Member
    Psoriasis can be so painful to deal with. Especially emotionally :(
    Hoping an actual cute will be available one day
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    there's an association, i.e. a correlation, but that doesn't mean one is causing the other. It could be that living with a painful skin condition is not an easy thing, so people are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, and more likely to comfort eat, It could be that some medications for it increase the appetite and result in weight gain.,.. it could be a whole bunch of things, not necessarily one causing the other,
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    there's an association, i.e. a correlation, but that doesn't mean one is causing the other. It could be that living with a painful skin condition is not an easy thing, so people are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, and more likely to comfort eat, It could be that some medications for it increase the appetite and result in weight gain.,.. it could be a whole bunch of things, not necessarily one causing the other,

    Exactly this.

    I have psoriasis, but I can't see how it can affect metabolism to the extent that moderate eating still causes weight gain.

    Remember: no mater who you are, it is a case of calories in and calories out. Calories in is always the same for everyone; the differentiator is how many calories you burn in your day to day activities and/or exercise.

    From my (admittedly limited) uinderstanding of psoriasis, I can't see how it can affect things too much. It's not like thyroids or liver disorders.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member

    Exactly this.

    I have psoriasis, but I can't see how it can affect metabolism to the extent that moderate eating still causes weight gain.

    Remember: no mater who you are, it is a case of calories in and calories out. Calories in is always the same for everyone; the differentiator is how many calories you burn in your day to day activities and/or exercise.

    From my (admittedly limited) uinderstanding of psoriasis, I can't see how it can affect things too much. It's not like thyroids or liver disorders.

    So I asked my Dr. about this as I was getting my Stelara shot for my Psoriasis. The link comes from the fact that psoriasis is an auto-immune disorder which can effect your metabolism. Add in that most treatments for Psoriasis consists of high dose heavy steroids and you get a double whammy on weight increase. He said those medicines along with psoriasis increase depression levels in people which is turn on average causes people to gain more weight.

    He told me that since my Stelara is a biologic it is rare for the side effect to be weight gain but Stelara does lower a persons immune system so you have other things to watch out for.
  • Bardane
    Bardane Posts: 60 Member
    Somewhere I have a couple of articles about this. There is thought to be a link beyond coincidence and independent of medication /treatment regimes, and psychological factors.

    I am about to go to the gym and be tortured by the PT. when I get a chance I will hunt out the articles.

    I have psoriasis, which at present is mild. However the older I get the more the arthritis affects me. But my skin for the first time since I was 19 is good, and I don't have clumps of hair/ skin falling off:happy: