Carbs and Suagrs ? Help

So everyday this website spits out a different number for my daily carbs ranging from 300 to almost 500 carbs. I am always under my calories and eating health conscious for the most part. However i am still between 175 and 300 carbs shy of my goal everyday. Is the goal just to stay under that number and if so why does my carb goal fluctuate so much? On a side note i refuse to eat a supe high carb diet or a atkins protein diet my diet is kinda food pyramid diet.

So now for the sugar part how am i suppose to eat my daily amount of fruits (2-3 servings) when eating 1 apple pretty much is my whole sugar goal for the day? Is their fruits that i should be eating that are lower in sugar?


  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Your fats, carbs and proteins adjust depending on your calories for the day. So if you exercise and it adds those calories, your macronutirents are also going to change.
    I would try and stay close to your carb limit. 150ish below is probably ok. I'm glad you're not doing an Atkins style diet, don't be afraid of carbs, they are very important, just in moderation!
    As for the sugars, this site really has a low, or not well identified, sugar level. Sugars from fruits are just fine. Refined sugars is where you need to be careful. So if most of your sugars are coming from fruits, don't worry about it!

    :) Keep it up!
  • christinafpdx
    I feel like I have been about 300 calories shy every day and can't figure out what to eat without going overboard with everything else!
  • Topbobdog
    Topbobdog Posts: 55 Member
    Have you tried walking? A good example is if my wife drags me to the mall for 3 hours of shopping and walking around all the stores and looking i put that i walked for 180 minutes at the slowest pace possible which is like 2.0 miles per hour which is usually correct add in any walking that is not normally part of your daily life ie walking to the car up the stairs to the bus.