Net carbs question (carbs minus dietry carbs)

Hi all,

I'm following a high protein/fat and low carb routine for the last 5 weeks or so and i've lost over a stone in weight, so it's working :)

However, I have a question about net carbs, as in when you subtract dietry fibre carbs from the carb amount to arrive at the net carb.

For example, I have on my breakfast list:

'Tesco Finest Outdoor bred british pork sausages'
1 sausage = 0.8g carbs, 0.3g dietry fibre and also 0.3g of 'sugars'.

So I understand that my net carbs is 0.5g (gross carbs of 0.8 subtracted by firbre of 0.3g)

That i understand and I think that makes sense, as fibre is not digested so don't count.

However, I come across foods that have a higher gram of fibre than gross carbs, so if I followed the above i would have negative net carbs...

Take for example:
'Stewed unsweetened Rhubarb'

This has 2.8g of carbs, 5g of fibre and 1.7g of Sugars.

So following what I understand to get net carbs, I would take the 5g of fibre away from 2.8g of gross carbs. Leaving me with MINUS 2.2g grams of net carbs...

I don't understand this.

Surely this isn't right, as I've still got 1.7g of sugars which will be digested!

Can anyone shed any light on this madness for me?! :)

Also gram values from products have been sourced from using the MFP iphone app.

