Question about sugar/salt

This might seem like a stupid question, but here goes. I'm just wondering how cutting out sugar and salt helps? Not saying I don't want to, because I'm fine with that, but I'm just curious. Isn't there natural sugars and salts in foods (even good foods, like fruit etc)?

Also, I'm Irish and we drink A LOT of tea on a daily basis, can I still have tea if I take it with no sugar? Just wondering because giving up tea is just not an option for an Irish person :p If so, how much of a difference does this really make? Again, genuinely curious. Also, any tips about other types of healthier tea or any alternatives that would be better suited for dieting, would be great :)


  • Denise1224
    Denise1224 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm not an expert and I'm not sure of the facts on sugar ... but I do know salt will make you retain water like crazy.... if a food has natural salts I'm pretty sure that's ok ... but to use salt as a spice or drinking coke / pepsi type drinks will cause water retention good luck on your journey!!
  • WhisperAnne
    WhisperAnne Posts: 453 Member
    Honestly I eat to much salt in my diet! which means I'm always bloated. I know if I eat less salt I wont retain water.
    As for sugar I try not to have to much of it. Sugar can make you put on pounds and even break out in acne. I'm Irish too and love sweet tea! lol
  • WhisperAnne
    WhisperAnne Posts: 453 Member
    Also maybe drink green tea with splenda. Or even just black tea with splenda or a squirt of honey.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Sugar can make you put on pounds.

    Nope. A calorie surplus will do that. No one micro or macro will make you gain weight if you are eating at a deficit. If you're talking water weight, that's trivial non-fat gain that is easily lost.

    OP, the only reason to lower your intake of salt or sugar is because of a medical reason. Excess of anything can be bad for you but speaking of a daily intake, an overage isn't going to be detrimental and certainly won't stop you from losing weight. All you need to lose weight is a calorie deficit. Balancing your macros will help with body comp and health. 
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    This might seem like a stupid question, but here goes. I'm just wondering how cutting out sugar and salt helps? Not saying I don't want to, because I'm fine with that, but I'm just curious. Isn't there natural sugars and salts in foods (even good foods, like fruit etc)?

    Also, I'm Irish and we drink A LOT of tea on a daily basis, can I still have tea if I take it with no sugar? Just wondering because giving up tea is just not an option for an Irish person :p If so, how much of a difference does this really make? Again, genuinely curious. Also, any tips about other types of healthier tea or any alternatives that would be better suited for dieting, would be great :)

    Cutting out sugar and salt are considerations if you are worried about things like retaining water, high blood pressure, diabetes and inflammatory conditions. If you are only trying to lose weight, it really only matters that you are taking in fewer calories than you are burning. There are natural salts and sugars in the foods we eat, which is why it's a good idea not to add them, especially salt.
    Why would you need to give up tea, and not add sugar? There are only about 16 calories in a tsp of sugar, so that shouldn't add too many calories to your daily total... just give up something else, if it does.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    This might seem like a stupid question, but here goes. I'm just wondering how cutting out sugar and salt helps? Not saying I don't want to, because I'm fine with that, but I'm just curious. Isn't there natural sugars and salts in foods (even good foods, like fruit etc)?

    Also, I'm Irish and we drink A LOT of tea on a daily basis, can I still have tea if I take it with no sugar? Just wondering because giving up tea is just not an option for an Irish person :p If so, how much of a difference does this really make? Again, genuinely curious. Also, any tips about other types of healthier tea or any alternatives that would be better suited for dieting, would be great :)

    Cutting out sugar and salt don't help.

    Stop tracking sugar and salt.
  • JJananii
    JJananii Posts: 30 Member
    Like others have said, sugar and salt themselves don't make a difference as far as weight loss. Weight loss is all about calories, watching sugar and salt intake is more for health reasons. I do watch my sodium intake personally. I am trying to be healthy as well, but it's more because I don't want to be bloated than anything else.