coconut oil



  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    i get both the oil and spray at trader joes. im in san diego.
    I'm in Ontario, Canada so maybe I could find it at a whole foods store,? :smile:

    Hi I am in Calgary and I can buy it at any store. Do you have safeways, they have it in the natural section. You can buy it at Costco, Sobry's, superstore,,,,,,I think even walmart. I hope that helps!
  • hhansen27
    hhansen27 Posts: 11 Member
    I use it to for making popcorn.

  • MrsCurvyFab
    MrsCurvyFab Posts: 46 Member
    im not a fan of it cooking, i rather use EVOO. however i love coconut oil on my skin. i use that instead of lotion.i smell like a cookie for a little awhile, but it fades away. i buy from amazon. if you can wait a couple of days, save some bucks and order there rather whole foods.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    replaced it for butter in my pancakes. It was pretty good! gave it a nice crispy texture.
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    Coconut Oil is a critical ingredient in my daily kale smoothies (I use about 1/2 tablespoon per smoothie mixed with coconut milk and other ingredients). Also cook with it, even adding it to scrambled eggs. Haven't tried it in oatmeal yet although I will now that someone suggested it-sounds great! ;)
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    i get both the oil and spray at trader joes. im in san diego.
    I'm in Ontario, Canada so maybe I could find it at a whole foods store,? :smile:
    Since room temp. in Ontario is about 21C and coconut oil is solid at that temp., how do you expect to spray it?
    Seriously, you'd be better off sticking to healthier oils like expeller pressed olive and canola and save your saturated fat intake for meat and dairy.

    thats tru but I try to stay away from canola for my own reasons and am gonna stick to coconut oil cause its better in my books and with the diet I do.

    Good choice! I use it for everything. Check this site out.
  • mgladden007
    mgladden007 Posts: 2 Member
    IN YOUR MORNING SMOOTHIE......"A much better option would be to have a whey protein isolate shake made with a small amount of berries and a spoonful of coconut oil. Protein, fiber and fat." .....this is from an article I read...:smile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I cook numerous things with it...I love making popcorn with it and use it often when I'm doing a rice or quinoa pilaf...and of course it is required for my coconut rice and beans. But I also use olive oil and avocado oil..and in fact use either of those more often than not.

    Keep in mind that coconut oil is still fat and extremely calorie dense. It is also mostly saturated fat...granted, half of that saturated fat is medium chain, but the other half is long chain saturated fat. It is delicious and an excellent addition to any well balanced diet...but many of the "magical" properties that have been attributed to coconut oil are largely anecdotal at best and down right BS as worst.

    It is rather trendy at the current moment...which is ironic because about 20-30 years ago it was the devil....funny how that happens. I'm sure it'll be the devil sometime again and there will be another magical potion to cure all of our ills.
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    IN YOUR MORNING SMOOTHIE......"A much better option would be to have a whey protein isolate shake made with a small amount of berries and a spoonful of coconut oil. Protein, fiber and fat." .....this is from an article I read...:smile:
    I do that and its soo good!!!
  • Clareel
    Clareel Posts: 22 Member
    I've recently been introduced to coconut oil and I love it! I blend it with black coffee, mix it into porridge, cook with it - Asian style food especially works well, as well as anything sweet. I have used it in chilli though and was still good. You can use it to butter your toast, bake with (banana nut loaf!) or if it's really good quality I can happily eat it from the jar - watch the calories though!