not your normal exercise calories question

shipleyak Posts: 65 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
OK so I went canoeing yesterday. The batabase estimated 1700 calories were burned doing that. I don't get how I burned that much my heart rate never seriously increased but I was starving afterwards. Any ideas if this estimate is right or is it off if my HR stayed low?


  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    I guess it would have to depend on how har dyou were canoeing, were you paddleing a lot or just floating down the river? You can expend energy without really increasing your HR a lot...imagine if you were walkinga t aslow pace for'd still burn calories regardless of if your heart really got pounding or not.
    It could be a bit high, but I wouldnt be suprised if it was close. if you're worried about it, only eat back half of the calories it says you burned, then you'll be on the safer side.
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    Totally off topic:

    Are you REALLY 31? You SERIOUSLY look about 17!!

    I kayak a lot and I find that even tho I don't stress or get my heart rate up there, I am still paddling enough to get my 200+ pound body around the lake/pond as well as the weight of my 14' kayak. So, I would figure it's pretty close, but like Funk4Life mentioned, just eat back about 1/2 your exercise calories back.

  • jj718
    jj718 Posts: 2
    According to another calorie counter I have, for 30 minutes of rowing in a canoe for pleasure you burn about 156 calories. It's going off a generalization of age, weight, etc, but it might give you an idea of what you might have burned!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    My list of METs for canoeing lists several different levels, so it could be very accurate or it could be really off. It reads the following:

    Light Effort (2.0 to 3.9 mph) = 3 calories per kilogram of bodyweight per hour
    Moderate Effort (4.0 to 5.9 mph) = 7 calories per kilogram of bodyweight per hour
    Vigorous Effort (>6 mph) = 12 calories per kilogram of bodyweight per hour
    For Pleasure (no speed listed) = 3.5 calories per kilogram of bodyweight per hour
    In Competition = 12 calories per kilogram of bodyweight per hour

    So, to figure your calorie burn you'd have to figure your weight in kilograms and pick which classification you think you did. I can't see your stats so I'm going to estimate with a standard 70 kg, which is 154 pounds. If you want to find your weight in kg from pounds, just divide the pounds by 2.2 to get kg. So, with a light effort, it would be 70 kg x 3METs = 210 calories per hour, x the 3 hours you did would be 630 calories. If you were to pick a moderate effort, which is what you have it listed as then it would be 70kg x 7METs = 490 calories per hour x 3 hours = 1470. If you had picked Vigorous effort, then it would be 70kg x 12METs = 840 calories per hour x 3 hours = 2520 calories. Obviously, those will change based on your weight, so plug in your numbers. But that should show how the numbers can change based on effort and give you a way of figuring it.
  • shipleyak
    shipleyak Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you all for your advice My body is feeling it so I must have worked harder then I thought. We only did 6 miles but I was rowing the whole time. Guess I won't worry to much about it. :) Ohh and yes I am really 31. I get that alot.
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