Dedicated to Lifestyle Change in mid 40's

Hi there,
I have been a member here for quite sometimes. I use the recipe area quite frequently, but the tracking tools sporadically. I am in my mid 40's and am now dedicated to a lifestyle change (no more crash or yo you dieting). My kids are grown and starting to leave home, so I'm feeling like the timing is right to focus on myself a bit more. I am starting from scratch with a nutrition and exercise overhaul. Fair amount of weight to lose, but healthy, slow and steady is okay with me.

If anyone can relate and is interested in checking in and having the occassional chat, let me know!



  • cherylmerrell
    cherylmerrell Posts: 3 Member
    Well I am relatively new to MFP. I have been on Sparkpeople and Slimfast in the past, but never stuck it out. I loose my motivation or stress gets to me and I eat or just want to sleep. Either way it's not a good mix. I really want to get healthy for me and for my kids. They need me to set a good example and I can be a better mom if I feel better about myself.

    I will be 48 in a matter of months and really want to look the best I have in 10-13 years. My first child was born when I was 30 with the assistance of fertility shots. I lost all my pre-pregnancy weight with her. WIth my second child it took longer to get pg, so I gained about 20 lbs before I had her and went back to 165. I was there for awhile even after having the twins....then in the past 10 years the weight has slowly added and added.

    I'm a stress eater and I need to change those habits. I realize that it's okay to slip...but not get it into my head that I am a failure. Everyone tells me how strong I am to have gone through everything that I and my family have in the last 6 1/2 years. Well if I am that damn strong I can fight my way healthy!!!!

    I need support and am looking for work out buddies even if virtual in nature.

  • soywoman
    soywoman Posts: 51 Member
    Well I am relatively new to MFP. I have been on Sparkpeople and Slimfast in the past, but never stuck it out. I loose my motivation or stress gets to me and I eat or just want to sleep. Either way it's not a good mix. I really want to get healthy for me and for my kids. They need me to set a good example and I can be a better mom if I feel better about myself.

    I will be 48 in a matter of months and really want to look the best I have in 10-13 years. My first child was born when I was 30 with the assistance of fertility shots. I lost all my pre-pregnancy weight with her. WIth my second child it took longer to get pg, so I gained about 20 lbs before I had her and went back to 165. I was there for awhile even after having the twins....then in the past 10 years the weight has slowly added and added.

    I'm a stress eater and I need to change those habits. I realize that it's okay to slip...but not get it into my head that I am a failure. Everyone tells me how strong I am to have gone through everything that I and my family have in the last 6 1/2 years. Well if I am that damn strong I can fight my way healthy!!!!

    I need support and am looking for work out buddies even if virtual in nature.
