Hello I need motivated friends!

Hi. I am not a newbie but I fall on and off the food logging/accountability wagon. I am presently on a mission to shed from 15-25 lbs. and have recently added running (a term I use loosely) to my plan. My problem is this, I have several friends who could stand to lose some weight/get healthy and say they want to. But every time I try to encourage them to get on board with me so we can do this together and support one another plus hold each other accountable (something I really need and enjoy) they back out. Now I know I can't make them do anything they don't want to do but we all hang together and while I am trying to stay true to my plan they are eating/drinking with abandon. Some of the time I stick to my guns and other times I join them. What I need are some friends on here that honestly want to live a healthy lifestyle, not just a fad diet, who want to encourage one another and who want to hold each other accountable. I want to be able to talk about my process & progress and sometimes around them I feel they resent it when I bring up healthy conversation. Let me know if you want to work together. I would be so excited to have support.
