Hi - New here, doing Low Carb :)

Hi !

I'm a 23yo F in Australia looking to lose weight after not watching what I ate as a teenager. I cannot stand to look at myself in the mirror anymore and I 'd really love to Cosplay some Anime characters in a few months so that is my motivation!! :D

I originally started Low Carb over a year ago and lost 14kgs without actually knowing what LC was or even before I knew of Atkins I just stopped eating Bad foods and breads which then made me realise I felt great..I maintained the weight for a year and now I'd like to lose another 8kgs. I started at 84kgs a couple years ago, lost it and was 70kgs and maintained for a year now here I am back on Low Carb for a month or 2. I know how to maintain my weight after coming off Low Carb so I'm excited for this! Started at 71.5 on Thursday 2/1 (extra kilos from xmas LOL) but that's nothing :) now after a week I've gone from 71.5kg to 68.4kg which is most likely water weight but I'm also monitoring my fat % on weight watcher scales and exercising daily.

My nutrition and calorie is below for anyone curious (I know some people will say it's bad eating such low calories but like when I lost my first 14kg it was temp and I know how my body works so I know how to easily come off Low carb and maintain - I bloat very easily so I was trying to limit carbs as much as possible.

Height: 167cm
Weight: 68.4kg
Body Fat%: 27.7%
Water %: 52.8%

Daily intake: 600-800Calories
Fat: 40-50g
Carbs: first few days was below 6g but now I'm bumping it up to <15g
Sugars: <5g
Proteins: 95-120g

What I usually eat:
LC Pancakes
1 Whole Egg + 2 Egg Whites & 2 pieces of Weight watches bacon

Chicken Breast cooked in 15ml of Olive Oil or sometimes none (sometimes a salad with avocado, cucumber, tomato and onion)
Tuna in Olive Oil with a Piece of Light and Tasty Cheese Slice and Olives
Chicken Breast Vegetables and 1 piece of Cheese grilled over the top

Dinner: (With Veggies sometimes)
Lamb Cutlets (2 or 3)
Chicken Breast
Basa Fillet Fish

Precooked extra Eggs/Bacon
LC Pancake Mix (Added Chia Seeds and Well Naturally Stevia Chocolate/Unsweetened Almond Milk instead of Full Cream Milk, 1 Whole Egg, Proactive Light Butter and cooked in Coconut Oil)
10-20 Almonds/Cashews
Well Naturally Chocolate (Whole bar is 10g fiber, 6g of sugar/carbs, 12g saturated fat) I just eat 2 pieces usually at a time or 2 pieces on each pancake.
Cottage Cheese + Avocado + Olives & Tomato wrapped in a piece of Ham

I also take multivitamins/Iron daily as I didn't last time and my Iron got too low.

I need helping in finding higher fat foods with low carbs. I'm not sure if i went into Ketosis yesterday as I had headaches for 2 days but then I had 3 chicken nuggets from KFC which bumped carbs to 15g that day now I feel alright besides a tiny bit of fatigue and I'm struggling to sleep at night which I didn't have this problem last time so not sure if it's from low carb or not. Maybe I do need 20g of carbs a day MIN for my body. But I also have no bad breath/sweat/pee...could I be in Ketosis but have no excess ketones to excrete?o.o

When I lost 14kg before I had a ridiculous amount of energy and slept great all I ate was Tuna in Olive oil salad a day and chicken veggies at night. I Probably ate less back then.

Few questions I have:
Do I need to eat more Fat and Less Protein?
Does it sound like I could be in Ketosis? My energy is not as high as I was expecting and it's been a week now on Low Carb.

/End of Rambling
Thanks for reading!! :)