Advice on Running



  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm on week 2 of C25K, and am starting to like it more. I treadmill run, because I can control my speed and because it's miserable cold out. I keep it at a 1.5 incline, because I was told that would prep me more for outdoor running later (which is apparently more tiring).

    Good luck to you! :)
  • Kauczuk
    Kauczuk Posts: 14 Member
    Running is the most natural and easiest activity for human :)

    All you need is to move your butt from the house and start running. It's that easy. Make a commitment to run 3x per week for 30min. Run slowly, at the pace which allows you to speak normally. If you cannot hold that pace for full 20min, don't worry that's normal at the beginning. Slow down to fast walk whenever you need to have a break and when you rest a little start running again. Set up small goals like: "I will run to this lamp/tree".

    After few weeks I guarantee that you will run full 30min and you will be able to increase this time. Don't worry about distance for now. Just run for pleasure.

    It's good to feel that you could do more. Don't push yourself too hard to avoid weariness and injury.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    Great advice from everyone here but I'd just like to encourage you to find a group or a running buddy to do this. That is definitely the best way to stay motivated! Start by asking at local running stores -- they are connected with the local running community and can hook you up with a group.
  • fatt_boyy_slimm
    I do both but prefer outdoor because, I'll admit, am motivated by the thought of others looking at me and thinking "I should be running." Sure, that's a pretty self-involved reason to like it, but whatever it takes for you to JUST DO IT is what you should do. Co-signing on the TM running: it can be boring if you let it. For me, I listen to music and turn off the treadmill's TV screen so that I can use it as a sort of "mirror" to ensure that I'm maintaining good running form.

    Short answer: IDGAD what others think. I run for me.
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    Start slow in speed and low in distance and add as you feel comfortable. Don't push yourself beyond what your body can do...part of running is learning to listen to the body and recognize the difference between a mental block and a physical block. When I see people out running I always give them a thumbs encouraged as you will find many of us, runners (people running for years) will be very supportive of you. Be comfortable in what you run in...I have seen people running in almost all everything and little to nothing...Just relax and enjoy yourself. Play at running don't settle into a rut...when bored change...when tired rest...when excited enjoy.