name definitions on Urban Dictionary



  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    i'm a toilet or a client...I hate this game...:grumble:

    You're lucky your name isn't Gino!

    The Classification of Italians that normaly are Canadian from Toronto. They are considered as Ginos because of there musical preference, known as beats and their tight clothing by brand makers such as Diesel. They are The Male verions as the females are called Gina's.

    A term which is most commonly known to teenagers and adults alike in the G.T.A. (Greater Toronto Area) in Canada. The term refers to an Italian (or one of Southern European descent, ie. Greek or Armenian) male who is from Canada and not from the country of their ancestry. A typical gino enjoys lively techno music (deemed "gino beats"), wears tight or sporty clothing (some brands include Adidas, Puma, Kappa and Diesel), likes small and sporty European cars, wears his hair spiked or curly and is supposedly of little or no intellect.
    However, this term is very limited as it often applies to people who do not wish to be called ginos or are not considered to be ginos by the "true" ones. Also, it must be stated that there are several people who can be given the characteristics of a gino but are not at all unintelligent. Whether you believe you are or someone you know is a gino, is up to you. Just don't judge too harshly.

    male of european decent (usually italian, hence the name 'Gino') with little or no intelligence. Likes going to clubs and 'chillin' with the female version 'Ginas'. Usually sporting garments from Diesel, Parasuco, or Urban Behavior. Has acne, or if not, acne scars. Their hair always looks wet because of massive input of gel. Thinks their cars are 'the ****' but it's really just ****. Most likely to die in freak car accident while "drag racing yo." or overdosing on e. Rude, loud, stubborn, and extremely stupid yet for some reason they're proud of it because they think it makes them look 'rebellious' rather than barbaric. A disgrace of European culture in Canada.

    Canada hates me...

    None the above is even close. I listen to rock,
    I wear shorts and a t-shirt year round, and I drive
    a Jeep!

    I do have a sister named Gina.... :frown:
  • peaceenharmonyy
    Harmony -

    a completely beautiful girl. her eyes are beautiful and blue, and shes a chameleon who is always trying to blend with the people around her. she always breaks her own heart without meaning to. she comes off as crazy and outgoing, but behind it is a shy girl just waiting to be loved. she never gets treated right by be the first!!! she's the one you wished you had gone out with in high school.
    Harmony is the girl you regret rejecting in high school.

    this is hilarious
  • GhostriderMav
    GhostriderMav Posts: 308 Member
    A charming and sweet *kitten*, has the tendencies to have a smart mouth and be extremely sarcastic, but cares for everyone. He's nice when he wants to be and can make a girl fall for him in just the snap of a finger. He loves sports and his favorite colors are usually yellow, blue, and green. He has a playful attitude and is happy most of the time.

    a person who masturbates excessively

    A drew is a person who is extremely raw/ catches wetttballls. He is good at every sport and gets ***** left and right. He takes **** from no one. He is the definiton of a BAMF.

    Drew is a super amazing guy who has a special charm to brighten the day. He is a gorgeous person... really really gorgeous person and the perfect lover. His stunning personality will leave you smiling. He loves to live life to the fullest, enjoying every moment of the day. He's always there for his family and friends, loving them 100%. He is very smart, extremely intelligent and he fuses this with his awesome sense of humor which will creates love and laughter. His gorgeous body and handsome face makes girl weak in the heart and men envious, but envious in a good way where they aspire to be like him. A kind friend, companion and lover, he is truly inspiring. He's an adorable person with true heart of gold and everybody just loves him.

    I Think this
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Top 3:

    A moderately common name for an American female; pretty; hot; beautiful; perfect; cutest girl you'll ever see; angel

    Means Butterfly in greek

    A beautiful girl.
    Loves music, hanging out with her friends, and eating.
    Very friendly, sexy, and stylish.
    The one best friend everyone wants.
    The one girl every guy wants.
    Shes tough so dont mess around with her.
    Shes the most special girl in the world.