Body fat scales safe for kids??

We got a new scale that uses Bioelectrical impedance analysis to measure body fat etc and it says it is not intended for children under 10 or pregnant women. Is it just inaccurate for the groups or unsafe for them?

I've read that the body fat readings and such aren't very accurate, but we would probably use it to see trends rather than go by the number.


  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    I would be really wary of any fat % from those scales . A couple of people I follow on Facebook, that are in the fitness industries recently bought a scale. The only one they could get on the day was a body fat one, they had wanted a straight scale. The reason they got it was to monitor her weight after having her baby. Research purposes I guess. Anyway the guy has had his body fat checked by a few sources and I think he said it sits around 10% or something reasonable. The scale told him he had 25%. He put a warning on Facebook about that as both he and his partner are concerned about body image and think these could cause problems for people. Basically making you feel sad about body fat when your really fine. Anyway so I would be careful for yourself and also use other measurements .

    With the kids, it would be the Inaccuracy. Also I only weigh my kids every few months. Mostly for medication reasons, but I like to know that my 7 year old is at least not losing weight. She is 'naturally skinny' so we watch her a little.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I don't think there's any reason to be worried about kids on the BIA- the current is really, really low. The only time I would be cautious if if a person has a pacemaker(or similar).
  • Differjean
    Differjean Posts: 6 Member
    I got the scale from Amazon. I didn't know body fat % are so inaccurate on scales. Actually, my husband got it at my request. I'm just debating on whether its worth sending it back for the version that doesn't have the bia. I know my body fat % is really high...I'm working on it.

    I do let my 3&6 year old weigh themselves and I keep an eye on it. They are very thin. Unlike mom & dad. :/. I worry about the 3 y old being under weight actually.