My name is Bernadette and I wanted to introduce myself to the MyFitnessPal community. So, it's been two years (01/01/2012) since I began my walk of fitness "faith"; a walk I was determined to take because I wanted to be healthier physically and spiritually. At my heaviest, I weighed a whopping 245 lbs (5'8" frame). No one "ever" commented on my obesity (except that one doctor who dared to tell me I was obese more than 10 years ago). But I knew deep inside that my relationship with food and life of obesity needed to change. So, I embarked on my journey. As of today, 1/7/14, I am weighing in at 165 lbs. Two years later and the weight (80 lbs.) is still off. Most reactions are STILL that of shock (like the one from one of my neighbors this morning as I was returning from my 5 mile walk). Her mouth was literally hanging open, even though she'd seen me on my walks over the past 2 years. But I stopped today and shared "HOW". Today, I’ve chosen to share with everyone, as I shared with her, my faith walk/testimony: Make it a spiritual life change. First, put into practice prayer, meditation, exercise, eating right, drinking lots of water, and sleep. Second, minimize the talk of naysayers, negative talk, and criticisms (your own or that of others; it just keeps you up at night). Third, reward yourself with positive intention (mindfulness practices); things like a walk along the beach, new fitness shoes or a play/movie. Fourth, thank God for the slightest progress and improvement in your fitness (mind, body, and spirit).

Any fitness guru will tell you that the key to weight loss is "burn more than you eat". You can't lose weight by just changing your diet. Change how you think about food. Change your taste buds. Splurge every now and then, but stay on point/track. Make solid investments in equipment/gadgets that help and encourage. My suggestions: 1) Weight Scale w/ Body Fat % (Withings Smart Body Analyzer); 2) BodyMedia FIT LINK Armband; 3) MyoTape Body Tape Measure; 4) Apps [Withings, MyFitnessPal, & BodyMedia Fit].

Be accountable to God & yourself first and maybe someone else who is on the “positive tip”. Everything else will work if you are determined, disciplined, and focused. I think some people think I've had some type of weight loss surgery. Nope! Like the new Gatorade commercial: "Winning is...HARD WORK!"