Need workout schedule to keep me in check!

Hi everyone. I'm 25 and starting a diet/fitness regimen for the umpteenth time. One huge thing that happens over and over is that I'll get these grand plans to lose weight, but then I miss a day of working out, then 2 days, then a week, and then I'm eating like crap and barely moving again. I've finally realized that I NEED structure; therefore, I'm trying to put together a schedule so there's something concrete to follow.

My problem is that it's been so long since I've done any kind of training, I don't know how to go about it. My background - I was a power lifter in track and was also a dancer, so I LOVE weight-lifting and kind of hate most cardio because I get so bored. I'm 142 lbs and really want to tone up - ideally 120 lbs. My current problem spots are my arms and thighs. I don't have a gym membership, but I do have a treadmill, 5lb weights, and a bench. I own T25 and P90x3 and also of course have youtube access for videos. I *thought* I was in okay shape but I couldn't even do more than 10 minutes of the T25 total body today, which was a kick to my ego :/ What I've been doing so far is brisk walking on my treadmill on an incline for 40 or so minutes (watching Netflix so I don't get bored).

I work Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and am not a morning person, so I really only have 30 minutes in the AM those days to work out. The rest of the week is free game. I know I need to do a combination of cardio and strength, but I really don't know how to set it up to get maximum results. Any help?

Thank you!!! :)