Are there any new mommies?

Hello there! I'm a new excited mother to a precious little boy. I'm even more excited that my six weeks are up. I'm ready to workout the little baby fat that I have and the weight I always wanted to get rid of. I was just wondering if there are any new mothers about to start this journey also or already have. For the ladies that have, what workouts are you doing? How are you staying motivated?

P.s. Your welcome to add me. I would love to have someone to go through this journey with!


  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    Does it count if my son is two and I'm still toting around the baby fat?
    The depressing thing is I didn't gain anything extra when I was pregnant, my OBGYN was so thrilled that I stayed right in my 35lb range.
    I did post partum yoga right after my 6 weeks were up, but my little guy didn't like that I took an hour to myself, so I have it up pretty quick.
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    My youngest is 11 months tomorrow lol, does that count?
  • bebemore
    If you ladies are about to start your journey then that is all that matters! Lol. I would like to just have pal to help encourage each othwr. I feel that's the only way I can stay motivated. Other then the constant thought that I want to be a hot mom! Haha!
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    I gave up hope of being a hot mom a few weeks ago when I went to the grocery store for milk in sweat pants and slipper boots. My goal now is to get as fit as my hudband's pushiest hipster friend (he runs a music podcast, have you seen hipster girls? They are crazy good looking), but whatever helps motivate you.
    This morning I set my son on my back to do squats, he had a ball and it helped me out. In the past we've done leg lifts with him sittin on my feet while we watch cartoons. You'd be surprised how many exercises you can incorporate an infant or toddler into to make working out fun for them and better for you.