low carb

It's only been a week and I'm running out of ideas for low carb recipes. If I have to eat one more omelette for breakfast I'm gonna gag. I need all breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes. Let me know if you want to share any of yours with me. Thanks.


  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    Bacon wrapped cheese sauteed in butter!!!

    But for real. . .Do you like fish? I don't do the low carb thing, but I made some stuffed tilapia before that only had carbs from veggies. It was awesome. I'll try to remember the recipe if you're interested. I like sharing recipes.

    ETA: These look pretty interesting.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    You should check out some of the low carb forums on MFP, like:


    Ask your questions there and get lots of answers.

    Did you try these breakfast options:

    high fat 10% mf Greek yogurt with sunflower and pumpkin seeds
    Avocado slices with bacon or cheese
    Celery sticks with almond butter
    Fresh berries in heavy cream or whipped cream
    Sugar free jello, with berries inside jello, and topped with whipped cream
    Devilled eggs