1st week hump!



  • lgrimm70
    Do u like hared boiled eggs and celery, apple slices carrots .. peanut butter .. ?? I also am a C.N.A I take these things with me they really help ..Slow the caned soups are so high in sodium ..That's not good! I have been drinking lemon water with cinnamon just this week stared that and lost 4 pounds as of this morning .. What are u doing for exercise ?
  • sangeeta1970
    Both these go hand in hand...fueling your body with health options will lead to a healthy weight..There is no short cut and honestly the 1st week is the hardest. Hang in there and trust me the 2nd week will be easier. Please dont stave yourself just choose something healthy to fuel your body.
  • eb12112
    eb12112 Posts: 39
    I'm trying this out for the 2nd time and hoping for better results without giving up :( Add me --- since we can all use motivation!
  • JustMeee333
    You might find this group helpful:

    And, if you keep eating the same foods all the time you're likely to get bored, so mix it up.. and have whatever you fancy, not just what you think you should have.

    If you were on 3,000kcal a day, and MFP are telling you to eat 2,000 - you will at least lose 2lb in the first week, possibly more due to water retention etc too. It's not healthy to lose weight too fast.
  • kylieverma5
    kylieverma5 Posts: 1 Member
    hey there. i just read your post regarding PCOS. I was also told that i would not be able to carry a child to full term having PCOS and insulin resistance...... I just wanted to say, be positive, :) put your mind to it :) you dont need to change to much. I was told the exact same thing as you and i have had 3 pregnancies resulting in 3 beautiful children, I was only 23 so i know age does factor a lot in pcos.

    I just thought you might like to hear something positive to modivate you to get to your goal :) i now have 30kgs to loose because i had 3 kids in 4 years and really want to kick it, Im following the Low GI diet (im not taking dibex because it gives me migraines) im doing a 75 - 90 min work out every day.

    Good luck with your weight loss and living with PCOS :)

  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    I started MFP eating 1920 cals a day and I'm still eating that much a day. Started in the end of January last year. I'm closing in on 100 lbs. lost. You can do it eating that many cals...and you aren't starving yourself. You can eat whatever you want as long as you stay within your limit on cals...and I almost always eat my exercise calories they give you back...or at least most of them.

    I had lowered my cals when MFP suggested to and for a long time now I hadn't had any losses..then I started binging..and I noticed a drop in the scale...guess what..I need to eat those 1920 cals!!! I just started back and have noticed the scale is dropping again. :) So...don't starve yourself...and if you really enjoy a soda in the morning...have one. I did for a long time enjoy a coke. I switched to diet coke a while back and it didn't stop the weight loss.

    You can do this! Just stick with it! and up those cals a bit. No sense starving. I was losing about 10 lbs. a month in the first 6-8 months! I also go to the gym twice a week and sometimes do a little extra on the side..and I eat those cals back..most of them. :) I started out at 359 lbs. I weighed in today at 267.2 lbs. Almost 100 down!!! :) Just stick with it and if you want to have that snack later in the day and are too close in cals...dance for a few minutes or jog...anything to get some movement and cals burnt so you can have that snack and not feel guilty

    Wishing you all the luck in the world. Add me if you'd like :)
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Which is more important, fueling your body or being at a healthy weight?

    Both are equally important. You can obtain a healthy weight by NOT starving yourself. Also, I think I read somewhere that eating keto-style can help with PCOS.


    I eat keto-style, but not because of PCOS. I do it because I like it and the weight loss is an added bonus.