Looking for friends

Hello my name is Michael I am interested in meeting people that would like to join me in reaching my goal. I have this on-again off-again relationship with exercise. I had owned a treadmill at one time but when it had broke and at the same time locked up on me throwing me off like a bucking bronco I decided that was not the way to go. So now I have a stationary bike that I enjoy very much but for some reason lack of interest or being bored it has set alone without me anywhere near it for the past three months. This year I'm going to attempt to get back on and ride until I get to my desired weight. I would like very much to have some company along the way whether you ride a bike, swim, run, walk does not matter to me.Going to do some time on the bike today. For anyone interested there is another site that go's hand in hand with this one and is excellent in tracking your workouts www.dailymile.com it is also free. I use it for my bike riding along with myfitnesspal to keep track of my food intake.