weight training and beginner running group

Hi, basically i have been training now for a few years but never been any good cardio.

i would really like to get into running, my main aim being able to run 5 miles, so nothing to drastic. i am wandering whether anyone would be interested in joining me in a group where we focus on weight training and improving our cardiovascular system with a clear aim of achieving a set running distance.

personally i have just quit smoking, and i am determined to improve my strength and cardio while hopefully dropping of a few lbs of fat along the way.

i would love to have 1-10 people in a similar position who will help motivate me and hold me accountable.

my routine would be simple at first and progress as my fitness progress.

probably something like a ppl routine (push, pull, legs) mixed with cardio in between.
so monday push work, tuesday cardio day, weds, pull routine, thursday cardio, friday legs with a break at the weekends involving some walking or swimming for leisure more then a workout.

please message me or reply here if your interested and if its worth while we can set a group up

please note i can literally only run a mile at the moment and the time is not good...